Chapter 12: The Academy

Start from the beginning

"Indeed," the elderly woman turned to my uncle, her eyes seeking his support. He stood there, an enigmatic smirk playing upon his lips. How could he find amusement in such a dire situation?

"J, thank goodness you're here," the woman addressed my uncle, her voice infused with relief. "Why don't you take Miss-" Her gaze shifted to me, awaiting my response.

" Red Ma," I replied, offering a slight bow of respect. There was an air of elegance about the woman that demanded my admiration.

"What a unique name, dear," she remarked, her smile radiating warmth. Then, turning her attention back to my uncle, she spoke with a touch of authority. "Why don't you escort Miss Red to the chamber? The elders and I will join you shortly." She gently placed her hand on my uncle's shoulder, her eyes signaling a mix of trust and expectation.

He responded with a dignified nod, his gaze distant and detached. As he approached, it felt as though he was a stranger, his once-familiar face now shrouded in a veil of solemnity. He gestured for me to follow him, his hand extending toward the dimly lit corridor. Uncertainty tinged my heart, but I obeyed his silent command without hesitation, falling into step beside him.

Casting a final glance at the Elders, who had been addressed as such by the woman of otherworldly beauty, I noticed their expressions were a mix of gravity and anticipation. They seemed to be deep in contemplation, their eyes locked in an unspoken exchange. It was evident that the matter at hand carried immense significance.

The corridor stretched out before us, seemingly endless in its expanse. The walls, adorned with faded tapestries and framed portraits of regal figures long past, whispered stories of a bygone era. The air was heavy with the weight of history, as if the very essence of time clung to the walls. I couldn't help but wonder at the age of this place, its ancient charm evoking a sense of awe within me.

My uncle abruptly halted, his body pivoting to face me with a mixture of anger and concern etched upon his features. His piercing stare bore into my soul, as if searching for answers that eluded him. The intensity of his gaze was disconcerting, a reminder of his parental authority that I had yet to become accustomed to.

"Are you crazy?" he blurted out, his voice laced with a blend of frustration and worry.

I couldn't help but question my sanity in that moment. The events that had unfolded had defied reason and logic, leaving me grasping for understanding.

"I ask myself that all the time," I replied, a touch of weariness seeping into my voice.

"You would have gotten yourself killed out there. I specifically told you not to move-"

"Oh, don't move? You told me to fucking freeze, and for your information it hurt like hell," I interjected, unable to contain my frustration. The memory of the chase and the pain in my neck lingered, though the adrenaline had dulled my senses to the physical discomfort.

He seemed taken aback by my retort, his anger momentarily subsiding. There was a flicker of regret in his eyes, an acknowledgment of his own culpability in the situation.

"I agree, I made a mistake," I conceded, my voice carrying a hint of contrition.


But there were more pressing matters at hand. I couldn't let his earlier comment slide.

"What did the Elders discuss? I swear I saw you smirking," I inquired, curiosity tinged with a touch of suspicion.

"I can't tell you that, but trust me, it's a very good idea," he replied cryptically, his voice barely above a whisper. With that, he turned away, leading me further down the corridor toward a door that beckoned us.

I followed closely behind him, my eyes wandering as we walked. The side of the school building revealed itself to me, its architecture hinting at a rich history. The windows, or rather the gaps in the walls that allowed a diffused light to filter through, carried the patina of age. It was evident that time had left its mark on this place, and I couldn't help but marvel at the stories etched into its very foundation.

 It was evident that time had left its mark on this place, and I couldn't help but marvel at the stories etched into its very foundation

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"Now listen to me this time," my uncle instructed, his voice tinged with annoyance, as he came to a stop in front of the door. His eyes bore into mine, as if willing me to comprehend the gravity of his words.

How did Aunt May ever date this man?

"Whatever they say, even if it hurts, don't talk back," he advised. I couldn't help but feel a flicker of amusement at his warning. After all, I had struggled to find my voice in confrontations far less significant than those that awaited me in the presence of these powerful beings.

I nodded in agreement, though a sense of trepidation gnawed at me. How would I navigate this unfamiliar territory, where silence seemed to be the key to survival?

Before I could delve deeper into my thoughts, my uncle swung open the door, revealing a grand chamber that sprawled out before us. The room was vast, its ceiling reaching heights that demanded reverence. At the far end, elevated seats beckoned the Elders, their figures shrouded in shadows. To see them clearly, one would have to take a step back, allowing their gaze to ascend and capture the full majesty of their presence.

"Well, Miss Red, we have deemed your case to be rare," one of the Elders began, his voice resonating with authority. As the door closed behind us, my uncle stood to the side, an observer to the proceedings.

"What we don't understand is how you arrived here, and for you to survive and still stand after the Crystal accident, it suggests that you may not be entirely human," another Elder added, their words hanging in the air with a mix of curiosity and concern.

The realization of my true nature had long been a companion within me, and their belated discovery brought a wry smile to my lips. My conscience resonated with their assessment, silently acknowledging the truth that had been hidden in plain sight.

In pretend shock, my eyes widened, feigning surprise as a veil to conceal my inner thoughts. The expressions of the Elders carried a hint of sympathy, as if they understood the weight of the revelation they had just shared.

"After careful deliberation and a series of votes, we have decided to keep you here under close observation," one of the Elders declared, their voice carrying a note of finality.

"What?" I whispered softly to myself, though I knew they heard my incredulous response.

"You heard us. Welcome to Mystic Academy, Miss Red," the same woman who had shown me kindness earlier spoke with genuine joy. I turned to my uncle, who stood there with a smile on his face, his eyes gleaming with pride. In that moment, he offered me a quick wink, a silent reassurance that things would be alright.

Atleast one good thing came out of this chaos.

Hope you enjoyed this Chapter ❤️

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