Chapter 58: Scott POV

Start from the beginning

"Scott!?" Katherine cried from where Joel was laying, rushing to my side. I saw Gem as well, and Shrub running over.

I was hyperventilating, trying to calm myself. It had just been a dream, just a nightmare...

"SCOTT!" Gem shouted in my face, grabbing my upper arms so tightly they began to go numb. "Did something happen!? Did you see something-"

I shook my head. "N-No. Just...just a normal nightmare." I said, wiping the sweat off my face once Gem had let go of me.

"You sure?" Shrub asked, biting the edge of her sweater's sleeve nervously.

I nodded. "Yeah, just a dream." I said, my breathing still shaky. I rubbed my face with my hands, sitting up straighter. "What time is it?"

Gem glanced at the clock. "It's ten past eleven p.m." she answered.

I nodded, leaning my shoulder blades against the bedframe again and wincing.

"What was it about?" Katherine asked, pressing her hand against my chest to feel my heart rate.

"You know. The usual. My brother being a homicidal maniac." I lied, glancing at the crystal on the bedside table. In truth, the dream I just had was much more terrifying than Xornoth killing people. That I was used to. But the way he said if he were pleading with me...

"You and your dreams man..." Shrub muttered. "I'm surprised you haven't died from a heart attack after one of 'em."

I smirked. "You'd be surprised at how morbid some of them are."

"I don't wanna know." Shrub said, turning around and speed walking back to her bed. "It's late and I'm going to bed." She announced, pulling her covers over her head.

Katherine snickered, watching the small girl. "You got to be quiet! Joel's sleeping!" Katherine called over as quiet as she could. "We all know what it's like when he's grumpy."

"Jesus Christ." I murmured, rolling my eyes. "It's been like, two years but I remember it vividly. He's like a little pack of piranhas condensed into a mini ball of flames. Emphasis on mini."

Gem snorted. "Don't let him hear you say that, or he'll be after your head." She said, holding back fits of laughter.

I let a small smile slip, relaxing for a just a moment with her and Katherine.

"There he is." Katherine said softly, punching my shoulder lightly.

I rubbed the spot with a dramatic wince. "Ow." I whined.

"Oh, come off it." Katherine teased, rolling her eyes. "Drama queen." She muttered under her breath, but I heard it.

"Excuse me?" I asked, my face scrunched in offense.

"She's not wrong." Gem shrugged.

"Not you too." I groaned, resting my head against the bedframe, facing the ceiling with my eyes closed in exasperation.

Gem laughed aloud and Katherine joined in after a moment. I have to admit, their laughter was contagious, and I let a breathy chuckle slip.

But the next thing Gem said changed the atmosphere completely. "Are you really just going to go back to Rivendale and cut yourself off again?" she asked quietly after the laughter had died down.

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