Loki chuckled.

You turned your glare from the ceiling to his relaxed position on the chaise across from you.

"You think it's funny?"

"And if I do?" He raised one eyebrow in challenge.

"Then maybe you can find someone else to keep you company." You slammed the book closed, practically throwing it on the side table as you marched out of the library.

"Wait." He ordered just as you reached the doorway.

Demon would be proud with how quickly your body froze, following the command.

Believe me darling, I find this most entertaining.

Is it too much to ask, for just a little bit of peace?

"I shall accompany you."

Your body turned around so fast you almost gave yourself whiplash.


"I would not have said it if I weren't serious."

"Umm, okay. FRIDAY is it alright for Loki to join?"

"Yes. It would be preferable to spar with an actual person instead of the dummy." FRIDAY answered.

"A god."

"What?" You asked Loki.

"I am not a person. I am a god." He clarified.

"Well it sounds like I've got my work cut out for me then, huh?" You teased as you turned to head back to your room to change.

Loki stopped in the hall behind you. "Forgive me, but I believe the gym is this way." He pointed in the opposite direction.

"You'd be correct. But I need to change first. Can't really do my best sparing in a dress." You motioned to the tshirt dress you'd thrown on for the afternoon.

I would love to see you try.

I bet you would.

"No need." Loki spoke.

You opened your mouth to protest but were cut off by the green shimmer of his magic encompassing your body.

When it faded you were left in the same style of sports bra, leggings, and sneakers you normally wore. This set was definitely not one of yours though. The all black color with shiny gold accents is something you would remember owning.

"Ahh, thanks."

Loki shrugged off your thanks, turning to continue the walk to the gym as he used his magic to change his own clothes into a pair of black pants, tshirt, and sneakers combo that had the same gold detailing as your own.


Demon's voice snapped you out of the trance you'd been in, admiring the god in front of you.

You blushed, thankful that Loki couldn't see it.

I blame you.

You could feel his amusement through the bond as he'd called it.

When you reached the gym, Loki headed straight for the sparring mat.

You stopped at the edge.

"In order to actually spar, you need to be close to me."

You rolled your eyes. "I know that. Usually Nat starts with a warm up when we spar."

"In real scenarios, you go in cold. It's easy to be caught off guard. You need to train your body to be ready at a moments notice."

Of Love and Mischief (MCUxReader)Where stories live. Discover now