Well, tried to rise anyways. Seemed New York was in for a nor'easter, gray clouds packed the sky brimming with unshed snowflakes.

Cold and dreary.

~Just like you.~

You moved over to lean up against the window wall, allowing the coolness of the glass to seep into your cheek as you stared blankly out at the city below.

A light knock on your door brought you back to the present.

You made your way over and cracked it open.

Wanda. You double checked your mental shield's integrity.

"Hey! I was just stopping by to check in. You missed breakfast. Thor made poptarts."

You giggled. "And did he save any for everyone else this time?"

"He actually did!"

"Damn, sorry I missed it. I actually slept in for once. I think the weather had an effect on my willingness to get up." You laughed through the lie.

"Actually, that's the other reason I stopped by. It's super gloomy today, so we were throwing around ideas on what to do and Nat and I thought maybe we could do those paintings we got?"

You smiled genuinely. "Yeah! That's a great idea."

"Perfect! Thor overheard us talking about it and he would like to come. Did we grab enough supplies for him too?"

"Of course! We pretty much bought out the painting section of that little store. He's welcome to join."

"Sweet! All right, well we were uh gonna do a quick round of training..." Her happiness died off.

"That's fine. I'll get everything set up in the spare meeting room and you guys can meet me there after lunch?"

"You wanna eat with us first?"

"No, I'm gonna grab a late breakfast here after I get dressed so I probably won't be hungry by then. If I do get hungry, I'll grab something after."

"Okay! See you in a few hours!" She gave you a quick hug before bouncing down the hallway with a little pep in her step.

You smiled as you watched her for a moment before silently closing the door.


"Now, don't put too much paint on your pallet to start. I know it's a good size canvas but you'd be surprised. A little goes a long way. We can always pour more paint, but it's a hassle to put it back into the bottle if you don't want to waste." You explained as you put a dollop of navy blue on your own pallet.

"Lady Olivia, mine is not working." Thor announced from his spot on the floor to the left of you.

Nat and Wanda were sitting across from you, studiously prepping their own pallets as well.

You'd had Thor remove the table and chairs from the room so that you could set up the tarp and the sitting canvas holders.

Looking at Thor you realized his bottle of paint was clogged.

"Oh, that happens sometimes. People open the bottle in store to see the color and then don't close them back up all the way. The paint dries around the tip." You explained.

Thor looked confused. "Can you not determine the color from the label?"

You laughed. "You would think. But sometimes a paint color can look very different than what's printed on the label." You turned to the array of brushes lined up on the tarp covered floor between you. "Here, take a little paint brush and stick the end inside the tip to unclo-" Thor's paint bottle made a gurgling sound as paint exploded out of the top, splattering you across the left side of your face.

Of Love and Mischief (MCUxReader)Where stories live. Discover now