Spider's Rise | 6

Start from the beginning

Walking in Jinhua immediately noticed the raw odor of blood in the air.

Macaque walked past her with a frown playing on his lips, "I did say safe... I never said physically fine." His eyes taking in the numbered of injured people laid out across the living room.

Jinhua walked down the rows and saw that some were even running a fever. Her eyes saw Princess Iron Fan and rushed towards her, "Fann..."

The demoness glanced up at Jinhua tiredly, but her eyes widened with new light, "Jinhua...! Have you seen my son? How is he?"

Jinhua smiled softly, "He's been a real chap. He's even summoned a gateway towards the Celestial Realm!" She told the mother proudly.

"Oh my...! The Celestial Realm!?" The mother smiled fondly at the thought of her son, "I'm assuming he's getting along with that small band of misfits?"

Jinhua placed her hand softly on the demoness' shoulder, "He fits almost perfectly."

Princess Iron Fan let out a sigh of defeat, "I guess we can have a small truce against that Monkie Kid's group... A fairly weak one."

Jinhua grinned, "A truce is a truce. It was beginning to become annoying every time we met on the battlefield." Her gaze then flickered towards the injured, "Now I must help with the sick and injured."

Kneeling down, Jinhua held out her palms above a man's chest. Blood stained bandages wrapping him weakly.

Feeling her Chi flow forward in a rapid pace, Jinhua felt the surge of power course through her finger tips. Her eyes shifting into a bright gold color.

With how many were injured, there was no way, Jinhua could heal them all by herself.

A single word left her lips.


A large abundance of Chi traveled behind her.

A summoning circle formed behind her and slowly transcending upwards was her general, second in command, Shiwen.

Decked in his golden armor and flowing cape wrapping around him like a cloak of gold starlight, Shiwen kneeled before Jinhua in his eternal loyalty.

Macaque stood off to the side and couldn't help but think that Jinhua, especially right now, looked ethereal. Her golden spun hair laid lazily across her back and shoulders. Her eyes that shone like the sparkle of a million stars. The knight that kneeled before his lady with undying loyalty.

She was his star.

The star of his show that made him captivated with every movement she takes on stage. Because to him? The spotlight will always be pointed towards her.

And he was fine with it.

Jinhua spoke in a low voice and commanded her loyal follower to branch out and heal as many citizens as possible.

Ren stood next to his newly appointed father figure, "Ma' is really pretty."

Macaque glanced down at Ren with a smile, "Yeah." He ran his claws through his curls and started to scratch his scalp, "Ma' will always be the prettiest of them all."

Jinhua turned towards her family and noticed them smiling her way. A bright smile adorned her face as she waved towards them.

This resulted in they're tails swaying happily.

Chuckling to herself, Jinhua noticed her friend watching the scene with a soft smile, "What?"

"Oh nothing." Princess Iron Fan waved her off, chuckling, "I'm just really happy for you."

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