Chapter 15

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Kim wasn't sure about Rain. He interrogated him for more than an hour and he was slowly convincing himself that the poor boy wasn't the famous thief they were trying to catch. He called his older brother and waited for him to come. As Kinn entered the office, Kim asked Rain to stand up in front of him, he switched off the lights and pointed one against Rain, so that Kinn could only see the silhouette of the boy, since it was the only thing he managed to see that night.

Kinn remained silent for a while, he observed the figure in front of him and when he was certain, he told Kim that he looked exactly like the person he saw in the office during the theft. Kim told his brother to leave and ordered Rain to sit back down.

"Rain, there is no need to tell me that this proof isn't enough to say that you're the one who stole the painting, however I'm sure that such an intelligent guy like you will easily understand that my family really doesn't need one more proof to get revenge... do you know what I mean, N.?" Kim asked with a tone that was almost soft, more like he was talking to Chay rather than to a suspect.

Rain tried to remain calm as he heard that name, he couldn't doubt it anymore, his brother was the one who stole the painting and he had to protect him no matter what.

"Khun Kim, you can't possibly think that I'm N. I'm sure you heard the rumors, nobody can catch N." Rain replied.

"I guess you're right. At least we finally have a few elements about N. now. For a few years nobody knew if they were a man, a woman... a ghost perhaps, but now... now it is different. Now we know that he's a guy, with a body just like yours... this famous ghost is finally showing his shape" Kim replied smirking.

"Khun Kim..." Rain started but he stopped immediately after he heard someone knocking on the door, Kim went to open it and Arm rushed in, saying that N. was at the phone and wanted to talk directly to him. Kim nodded and followed him only after making sure that another bodyguard went to his office to make sure that Rain couldn't leave.

"Hello N., I'm all ears" Kim said as he took the phone. As usual, the voice on the other side of the phone was distorted because of a computer program.

"Greetings, Khun Kim. I'm sorry to inform you that your pathetic attempt to catch me was unsuccessful. However I would like to tell you that I will return your painting, you've paid for a service after all and since I'm a thief and not a fraud, I will fulfill my job. You will receive the item in the parking lot of the abandoned building near the hospital"

"Which hospital..." Kim asked a little irritated.

"The hospital you've financed for such a long time, obviously. See you soon, Khun Kim" N. responded and hung up.

"Sir?" Arm asked, waiting for orders.

"Take the boy back to his house... he's sick... he needs to rest..." Kim responded.

"What? Are you sure about that, sir? Maybe it was a pre-recorded message, we can't be sure" Arm added.

"Why do you think that I asked which hospital he was talking about? I knew perfectly which one he meant, I just wanted him to answer to a direct question. Rain can't be N., release him" Kim repeated. 

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