Chapter 5

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"Oh, my favorite nephew is finally here! Who's this cute boy you took with you? My gosh, his cheeks look so squishy" Tankhun remarked as he pinched Rain's cheeks, the poor assistant didn't know how to react, he wanted to oppose but he didn't want to make a bad impression on his first day, so he pretended he wasn't excessively annoyed by that and remained silent.

"He's my new assistant, try not to torment him too much, he was the only one who came for the interview" Venice warned his uncle while pouring some whiskey in a crystal glass he found in the corner of the room. Tankhun sighed and nodded, then he walked back to his nephew and hugged him.

"Do you see it?" Tankhun asked.

"What are you referring to exactly?" Venice asked confused.

"My living condition! Kinn has bought this apartment for me and Top but as you can see it really needs some deep work to make it decent. I trust that you will surprise me" his uncle replied after letting himself fall on the sofa like the drama queen he was.

"Oh, that. Don't worry uncle, we are here to rescue you. I knew I had the plans of this house somewhere and I made some sketches this morning before coming here. Rain, would you hand me the briefcase, please?" Venice said without getting a response, Rain was too busy looking around and thinking about what just happened to him.

"It looks like your assistant isn't paying attention, Venice. I would have already fired him if I were you but... I'm not you so you can choose to act as you want" Tankhun commented. Venice made an embarrassed smile and walked to Rain, he grabbed the briefcase and put it on the table, then he started looking for the tablet and looked for the sketches.

"Here, scroll and give it a look, I'll be back in a minute, I just want to do a quick tour of the house to see that you didn't do any other work around" Venice added as he handed the tablet to his uncle, as he smiled back in return, the young architect walked to his assistant and grabbed his arm, then he pulled him until they reached the bathroom.

"Rain? Do you mind telling me what's wrong? I don't want to be rude but you have to focus much more if you want to keep your job, clear?"

"S...sorry sir, I swear that it will not happen again" Rain replied. Venice didn't say anything, he walked back to the main room and grabbed a paper with the plan of the house printed on it. He handed it to Rain and said with a much more serious tone, almost authoritarian:

"I want you to check every room, do you think you can do it?"

"Yes sir"

"Good, now go, I'll talk with my uncle about the project, you will have thirty minutes to finish your task. Move" Venice said. When he saw Rain looking at the ground and leaving he thought that he may have overreacted a little bit, however he decided to wait before apologizing, maybe leaving Rain some space could make him feel better. 

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