Chapter 4

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Noeul couldn't help but smirk as he received the file regarding his next hit. He observed the ring for a while, trying to memorize every detail of it so that he could recognize it as soon as he could get inside the building. The file wasn't exactly clear about the location of the item though, it said that a museum sent the ring to the academy of fine arts of the capital city to clean it, there weren't any specification regarding a more precise location.

He looked online for some information, after more than an hour he managed to find a planimetry of the building. Noel gave a quick look, trying to figure out the rooms that could potentially contain the item he was looking for. At 3 am, he left the rented apartment and headed to the academy.

The following morning Rain tried to get ready as fast as possible, fearing to arrive too late to his first day as Venice's assistant. He was so fast, that he ended up waiting almost an hour before it was time to leave the house. He went to the bus station and got off close to his destination. It was still a little early, so he decided to pick his phone and do a quick research online regarding his new boss.

"What was the name again... th... th... theera... oh right, theerapanyakul" he said as he typed the family name on the touchscreen. He was a little perplexed as he read the list of companies owned by that family, he was running out of time though, so he just put his phone back into his pocket and rang the doorbell, waiting for someone to open the gate.

The gate opened only to let a car leave the courtyard in front of the mansion. He looked at it and saw that Venice was inside it after his new boss rolled down the window.

"Good morning Rain, get on, I'll tell you on the way" Venice said rapidly. Rain was perplexed but he nodded and did as his boss ordered him to do. Venice patiently waited for his assistant to sit down next to him, then he started explaining the situation:

"You see, my uncle wants us to renovate his apartment and he really wanted me to go now and check immediately. He's quite eccentric but since we didn't have any other appointments I thought that we could go."

Rain didn't know what to say, he just nodded and stayed silent. Venice thought that his young assistant was getting a little too nervous, so he tried to move away a little bit more and continued talking:

"Rain, I need to remind you to be careful when we arrive there"

Rain's eyes widened in fear, what does that mean? What will they do to him? Is it related to all those companies? How did that family get so wealthy and influential after all? The poor assistant didn't know what to add, Venice chuckled a little as he noticed the fear in Rain's eyes and added:

"I meant that my uncle tends to get offended quite easily, so don't look around and respond only when someone talks directly to you, clear?"

"S...sure sir" Rain replied.

"Very good... umm? What is that?" Venice said as he heard the radio of the car transmitting something about a robbery in the academy of fine arts. Payu looked quite surprised, another hit in such a short amount of time, however Rain felt like he already knew who could be the culprit, his brother was probably still in the town after all.

The car stopped in front of a tall building, Rain instinctively looked up as he got off the car.

"Rain? Hey Rain! I'm talking to you! Remember to take the briefcase in the back of the car, hurry up, we don't have the whole day"

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