Now, Jeff looks like a psychopath. Crazy, he is crazy. Jeff continued to torture Demon until Demon lost a lot of blood. Jeff smirks, "Calm down, Demon. I love seeing you dying like this," Jeff says.

Demon continued to scream in pain as Jeff continued to slash his body. But Demon could still move his hands, "I won't lose to you!" Demon says and then he shoots Jeff.

But Jeff managed to avoid it. Demon threw his gun at Jeff's face, which annoyed Jeff. Jeff hit Demon's face many times until it shattered. Demon screamed in pain. He couldn't take it anymore, "Kill me, you bastard! It hurts so much!" Demon says.

Jeff smirks, "Hahaha... you asked for it," Jeff says and then he raises his knife. Then Jeff stuck his knife in Demon's chest until Demon finally died.

Demon is dead. But that wasn't enough for Jeff. He was still annoyed with Demon so Jeff chopped up Jeff's body. Fuck! Demon meat is very disgusting. However, Jeff continued to cut Demon's body using his knife. He likes this activity.

Jeff looked at the dog nearby. The dog looks hungry. Does he want Demon meat? Looks like it will.

Jeff looks at the dog, "You must be hungry, dog?" Jeff says and then he cuts off Demon's genitals. After that, he threw it to the dog.

The dog barked. The dog took Demon's genitals and then took it away. Jeff smirks. Yeah, it looks like the dog is hungry.

After that, as a final touch. Jeff cut off Demon's head then he stuck it on his knife, "You're lucky, Demon. You are my most beautiful work," Jeff says. He was satisfied with killing Demons.

Jeff smiles and then he looks up. Above there was a drone operated by Hans, "Did you capture the moment just now, Hans?" Jeff asks.

"Of course, Alpha. I immortalized all your precious time in making that work of art," Hans says from the earpiece.

Jeff smiles, "Good, you are reliable," Jeff says.

Jeff was very happy because he had killed the Demon. He had taken revenge on this man. Demon is a person who always disturbs his mafia group and now Jeff has killed that man. So Jeff can live more comfortably.

As for Hans, he didn't expect that Jeff would bring out his psychopathic side like before. Because Hans hadn't seen him for a long time. However, Hans is always a witness when Jeff commits murders like just now.

"Get out of there immediately, Alpha. This base is about to explode," Hans says and then Jeff nods.


At the same time, Cylo is still in front of the supercomputer. He must completely delete this program because otherwise, this algorithm will still exist by looking for other supercomputers.

Ivo contacts Cylo, "I have finished the program for the algorithm. Now you have to press the green button on the supercomputer," Hans says and then Cylo nods.

Cylo looks for the green button, "Wait a minute Ivo, now I see it," Cylo says then he presses the button. Not long after, the computer screen changed to an error.

Cylo panics, "Ivo, what is this? The computer is having an error," Cylo says. He panicked.

Ivo exhales, "Don't worry, it's currently carrying out the destruction process," Ivo says. Not long after that, the screen returned to normal with the words 'done'.

Now the algorithm has been destroyed. Cylo and Ivo have completed their task.

"Get out of there, Cylo. This base will explode," Ivo says.

Cylo nods then he immediately goes outside. But when he opened the door, there was a lot of smoke. Damn, this must be the smoke from the pipe that Cylo accidentally broke when fighting with Yukki.

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