Humans Chapter 1: The Past years and that night in Lucifenia

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Where should I start my story? Yes, the early chapters are nothing but narration. However, where should I actually start in this land of sin? It is scattered like stars twinkling with little light.Sometimes, it can be known as a sign of calamity in due time.

My homeland are people who are proud. We boastfully said that we are the strongest. However, we can also become noble in our own actions.

There are times that we have some mistrust among themselves due to others'unjust acts. However, we can also be kind, but boasting is a bothersome trait.

We have a strong army with riches of gold and guided by the Law of the Light. However, some laws are old and cold in its delivery.

There will always be pain and suffering in the kingdom. We also cry to the ones we lost. However, a drink can cheer us up. It is because our lives can be tested by the Light that shines above.

I felt sorry for myself as I have not experienced any of it. However, I came in a class where we store things in a shelf. There is also the possibility of it to be sold much more than before.

I was born with my father being in the military and my mother as a merchant from beyond the land we lived. We are kind, loud, festive,little to no time to rant but able to sell and pay fees.

My parents worked hard with their children who have grown up with jobs of their own. However, I do not have a job but I am doing my chores to be better. I am six at the time and slowly grow.

It was a happy time. I was innocent at most things, kind and energetic as I was helping my family. I really wish I can go back to that time.Life, as one of my family member said, is a great comedian. It gives anything a twist like a candle's flick.

When I was ten years old, there was a night where everything was merry and fun. It was a great social gathering during that time. My family and their siblings along with their children. They have drank a ton while I laugh with some of them with my brother's jokes.

The celebration was fun all around until those people came. The kingdom of Avaricia striked. They attacked us while some of us play with wooden swords outside of the yard and others drink to their hearts content inside our home with merry songs and drunken brawls. The others who noticed them are charging out of the building to attack them indirectly or head on as they scream to alert everyone. It really alerts everyone, even the enemy. Both sides got bloodier and scarier as those outside are rushing towards our modest home.

The attackers rushed into the yard with gallops sounding ever closely,they must have horses and are moving fast. Loud sounds are heard too,and resembled thunder with no clouds in sight. One side of my home are the repeated gallops and sounds of thunder, the other side are sounds of chairs and tables being moved around with people screaming and children crying. Another side are my other family members are starting to prepare themselves to the incoming invasion inside my home while the other side have shown some of my brothers throwing barrels, bottles or glasses of wine or alcohol and set it on fire.The blaze have attracted enough of the Avaricians and shot them. The thunderous sounds came from a stick came out light and a huge puff of smoke. What kind of weapon is that?

There was a momentary silence but to the exception of the mild cries of the children younger than me and the cackling of fire outside. The silence continues, then a sound of broken glass had been heard nearby. The windows has been broken and fire entered the house. The children's screams continues and smoke had started to fill up the house.

Most of us had started to go up to the second floor while the others stayed as horses had entered my home, through the large broken windows. The commotions below are getting rowdier and screams of men and women converge as weapons are started to be frequently being used. Then, silence have come again.

My family protected us but failed, as the Avaricians busted the door.The place was overrun. The others jumped down from the second floor while being shot by the Avaricians.

My sister and I flee before their pike and thunderous sticks as children being trampled on, shot or burned with the adults. We traveled on horseback from the stables that are far enough from our home. The situation got chaotic, I do not know if someone else made it. I cried as my sister drove as far as she could.

It is because I have turned ten from that time. A time supposedly to be special to everyone and I.

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