1st Birthday

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( you have twin boys who are 5 called Archie and Abel and your daughter who is 1 now called Avery) - change names if u want

y/n pov:

We were in the Car driving to Matts parents as they were hosting our daughters 1st birthday party with loads of family and friends.

Mary Lou always insisted in throwing our kids birthday parties which i appreciated.

we arrived and our twin boys jumped out and ran into the backyard to go see they're cousins.

Matt gets out and grabs Avery as she had just woke up and was groggy.

i walk towards the backyard not far in front of Matt.

"hi dear, how are ya?" i was greeted by MaryLou

"Hey MaryLou, i'm good how are you?" i smile as i hug her.

"i'm good dear, i seen the boys run straight to they're cousin, where's the big girl herself?" she smiles.

"Matts just bringing her, she's a bit groggy." i giggle.

"aww my poor baby." she cooes thinking about her only granddaughter.

matt walks in the gate with Avery in his arms, her arms tightly wrapped around his neck, looking like she won't let go anytime soon.

"hey guys." matt smiles.

"what took you so long?" i ask laughing.

"we had a few tears but nothing to worry about." he laughs.

"aww my little baby." MaryLou kisses Avery's cheek and walks off to the barbecue.

"she said she just wants cuddles so my arms gonna be dead for years." matt laughs as he tells me, gently rubbing Avery's back.

"okay, we'll maybe take her to see a few people and she might warm up to the idea, or show her the cake." i smile turning him on the spot in the direction of the cake stand.

i go over and talk to Chris but couldn't help but watch Matt and Avery.

Matt, as much he wanted boys of course, he wanted a little girl to spoil, to hold, to cuddle, to laugh with and protect.

He and Avery had an unbreakable bond. something out of movies. it was heartwarming to watch unfold.

"whatcha staring at?" chris teases.

"don't you think that shits out of like movies?" i say looking at Matt and our daughter.

"who Matt and Av?" he questions.

"well Matt's a bit like you and is such a 'boy' that you'd never think he'd be like this with his daughter. it's adorable." i smile looking over at them still.

"yeah, i remember the day he found out she was a girl he told me that it was the best day of his life and he couldn't wait to spoil his princess." Chris laughs.

"yeah he actually does call her princess too that's the thing, he's so head over heels for her." i laugh.

"well i mean i was like that with my boy until he flipped a switch to then being a mommas boy, i'm still salty about that." chris scoffs.

Matthew Sturniolo Imagines <3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora