Takahashi nodded his head approvingly and patted heavily on Hatori's shoulder as if saying good job.

"I'm sorry for the late introductions, my name is Takahashi. I've own the ramen stand behind me for several years now and met Hatori and his friends when they would stop by here during their middle school days. I see those three as the sons I've never had so I guess you could say we're practically family!" The older gentleman informed of her the details, before heaving a dramatic sigh and used the end of his apron to wipe non-existent tears from the corner of his eyes. "Those boys used to come almost every single day during those times but now they barely do, how could they. Leaving little old me here all by myself just because they're busy. It's been years since I last saw them!"

Takahashi's personality reminded Ichika of Shigure. Perhaps this man is the reason why Shigure was such a drama queen.

"We saw you last week." Hatori deadpanned, the dramatics unaffecting him.

The old man's brown eyes snapped to Hatori sharply in a playful manner. As if on cue, Ichika's stomach gurgled loudly. She grew red in the face and dropped her head with an ashamed expression all while mumbling an apology in a quiet voice.

Takahashi laughed and quickly urged the couple to take a seat at his ramen stand. Hatori took the lead, guiding the blunette to an empty seat. Then he sat down beside her and shrugged of his trench coat. Takahashi walked behind the scenes to secure an apron on himself and quickly got to work. Ichika couldn't help but part her lips and watch in awe as Takahashi stirred the already-made broth in the pot and got out two bowls. He stepped over to the other side of the station where freshly made noodles were made and place two big handfuls into a strainer-type ladle. Then he dunked them in a pot with hot boiling water. She'd never seen anything like this before, and it was much more exciting than that restaurant she was in before.

She shifted her gaze back and forth, looking curiously at the stations Takahashi had in such a small space to work with. The atmosphere was ambient, cozy and homey. She didn't feel out of place here and the few customers who were sitting around them were minding their own business on their phones or simply have conversations with their pals.

The corner of her lips lifted up into a smile. So this was the place Hatori often visited when he was younger. Ichika felt like she found another part of him here as this was the place he frequented. It was warm and cozy, just like he was.

The smell of the savoury broth hit her nose for the second time and she swallowed with hunger.

She snuck a glance over at Hatori to see if he could also see the magic that was happening, but instead of looking at Takahashi, he was watching her with a smile on his face. He smiled at her more often than he did with anyone else in his life, but it was something about the smile just now that made her fall in love with him all over again. As he was resting his cheek on the palm of his hand and he reached up with his free hand to pat her head lovingly.

Takahashi watched the interaction the whole time all while trying to find a good time to serve the two their ramen. He didn't want to interrupt the sweet moment.

It was the first time Takahashi had seen Hatori fully express his emotions like that. He had always been a stoic and cold-like person on the outside, but Takahashi knew it was because the boy just couldn't express himself and was cautious like a cat to let anyone close to him. Not thinking much of it, Takahashi left it alone when the young Hatori would brush him off or be curt with him at times. He thought it was just how he was and the personality he was born with.

However recently, Hatori had been visiting with him and his ramen stand with the smallest, but visible, smile on his face as if he won jackpot. Back then, it was a lot harder to hold conversations with the younger Hatori, Takahashi could barely crack a joke with him. Now it was a lot easier as it wasn't until several months ago that the old man could finally see a crack in his shell.

Takahashi glimpsed at the girl sitting beside him with the blue locks with a twinkle of approval in his eyes and watched as she whispered something in Hatori's ear that made them both titter.

Please let them be happy, Kamisama. He wished beyond the stars in the night sky in order for Kami to hear of his prayers.

"Alrighty, your bowls of ramen are ready!" Takahashi hollered cheerily, placing down two large bowls in front of them.

"Itadakimasu," Ichika and Hatori said in unison before they fed their hungry bellies.



Itadakimasu : Thank you for the food.

Hello all! It's been a while~

This chapter took me so long to write up as I was having writers block, but luckily it turned out to be a cute little chapter :) Ugh Ichika and Hatori are just the cutest, aren't they! They're my precious babiessss.

I find Hatori totally relatable in this chapter specifically as Takahashi tells of the times Hatori reminded him of a (stray) cat. They're hard to approach from how cautious they are!

By the way all, we're almost close to the end of the book *SOBS* I DON'T WANT IT TO END!!!!! I've been having so much fun writing this book, although it has been challenging at times. Don't worry, I won't say goodbye yet.

Anyways, please please do comment! I literally love reading my reader's comments and thoughts. I grin so widely every time 💖

By the way, should I make a side story later on about Takahashi and the trio?? Please let me know!

I love you all, see yall in the next chapter!

𝐀𝐙𝐔𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄 | Fruits Basket FFOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz