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/ chapter 26 /

Hatori felt so much relief to see her breathing. He dropped his shoulders and exhaled.

Tohru sniffled as she could feel her fear for Ichika's wellbeing subside. Just like Hatori she was filled with the utmost relief, but couldn't stop her tears from pouring down her face. Kyo took notice of this and reached out to touch her, to comfort her in some sort of way, but thought about it and decided drop his arm to his side before they could touch her. The solemn look on his face remained just as it did with the others as he looked away.

Yuki had crouched down, unable to stand properly from the cluster of emotions he was feeling, and rested his forehead against his knees.

Ayame had his arms crossed while his free hand covered the lower half of his face.

Shigure was silent. His demeanour was unlike his usual overjoyed self and there was no smile apparent on his face.

Ichika tiredly individually glanced to every single person that was present. The people she shared a connection with were now looking at her with heartbroken expressions, and it made her heart ache.

She shifted her gaze to the brunette who was weeping loudly. Watching Tohru cry like that when she was usually a happy girl was another type of pain.

It hurt more to realise that the person that had made her friends, her family, make those expressions was none other than herself.

Having to see her half-dead body had certainly traumatised them.

No one spoke a word. It was just a painful silence.

Amongst Tohru's weeps, Ichika finally glanced to her saviour. His expression was downcast, broken and filled with an immensity of sadness.

What was wrong with her? How could she do that to them? To him?

She had almost let go of herself.

She felt her eyes stung, and she inhaled a sharp breath. Her throat tightened.

She thought she couldn't take it anymore. The reoccurring dreams of that incident was really doing a number on her.

A couple hours ago she was with everyone eating watermelon at the lake and sharing conversation and laughter with them.

Yet here they were all gathered in the same location again, but for a completely different reason. And she was at fault for that.

"I'm sorry." She tried to say. Her voice was hoarse and it quivered.

She didn't know what else to say other than to apologise.

Ichika tried to sit up. She was helped up by Hatori who was still silent. His shock had probably silenced him, she thought, as she snuck a glance at him. His face remained unchanged as the distraught expression didn't move an inch from his face.

She then glanced down at her hands, ashamed, and knitted her fingers together.

She felt a coat wrap around her shoulders and she looked up to see Ayame had taken of his to give to her as her body was still drenched.

"Ichika," She heard her name being called by Shigure.

The Dog Spirit who no longer radiated the energy of joy had finally spoke.

"Why did you.." He started, asking the question everyone else was wondering, yet he was unable to finish the sentence. He couldn't.

She froze.

How was she supposed to answer him?

A shattered expression came upon her face as she remained silent. She dropped her head, unable to look at anyone any longer.

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