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/ chapter 52 /

Where am I? She asked herself as she looked around her surroundings. It was pitch black all around her but she wasn't scared, rather she found the darkness had a calming effect on her.

"Hello?" She called out. Her attempts didn't have much effect as she received no answer.

Just then she spotted a beam of light in front of her. Her body moved on its own as her legs carried her towards the light without any fear. Her hand was outreached almost as if it grab a hold of it.

Almost... there... She thought. Her legs quicken, suddenly becoming desperate. It was just within reach. It wasn't too long now.

Just then her sight was engulfed completely in the light. It almost blinded her and she squeezed her eyes shut as a result. As if the light became ridiculously bright, she covered her face with her hands. After a few moments, she slowly uncovered her face and peered open her navy-coloured eyes, blinking a couple of times in order to adjust her eyesight.

Once her surroundings became clearer, Ichika found herself in a field full of blooming daisies. The field had become almost completely white from the petals of the thousands of flowers that were there. It was an endless field, one that went on to what seemed to be infinity. When she subconsciously took a step forward, she realised her feet were completely bare and had sunken into the flowers. She felt like she was stepping on soft clouds.

She looked down at her outfit. She was dressed in a long flowy white dress that reached her ankles, it was quite a beautiful yet simple dress. Amazed by the dress, she let out an excited noise, twirling around with it as it travelled with her. Her azure hair danced along with her twirl and she had the brightest smile on her face. She'd never worn such a pleasing-looking dress before, but this one felt so comfortable on her skin and she liked the way she looked and felt in it.

"Hello." A voice suddenly said from behind her.

Ichika jolted and froze in her tracks. She dropped her hands to her side and squeezed the material of the dress in her hands. Her eyes were wide, astonished as she remained facing a direction. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as she felt an arising ball of pain in her throat.

There was no way she couldn't recognise his voice.

She slowly turned her body around to face the person behind her, and just doing so made her eyes sting and well up with big tears as she saw a familiar face, standing before her with the biggest smile on his face.

"Ruki." She whispered, confirming to herself that it was really him. Tears poured down her face. She couldn't believe it was him. It was really him.

There he was, dressed in an all white button up shirt paired with a zip-up jacket and pants. His hair was still the prettier shade of blue, and it was still medium length and straight. His eyes were the bright colour of the sky and sparkled with life. He was all the same, just as she remembered him.

More tears escaped her eyes and her cheeks became wet. She couldn't believe he was in front of her, just within arms length of her. Although she'd seen Ruki appear in her dreams before, it eventually occurred to her that was never really him at all. The Ruki in those dreams had never been him but rather a version of him her guilt ridden conscience had made up to lament.

"Nee-san, don't cry." He told her, reaching towards her face to wipe her tears away with his fingertips.

This was the real Ruki. His touch was still warm.

Ichika's eyes scanned him down, observing the boy she wish she could've saved. She remembered being at least half a head taller than him, but now he towered over her slightly.

𝐀𝐙𝐔𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄 | Fruits Basket FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora