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/ chapter 8 /

"Are you nervous?" Hatori asked as he side glanced at the small girl sitting beside him in the passenger seat.

Ichika nodded.

"Yea.. the last time I saw him it didn't end too well," She answered, staring out the window as she watched many buildings pass them.

She must mean on the day of her brother's funeral, he thought. Any encounter with Akito didn't end well. They'd either have some type abuse thrown at them whether it be a form of verbal or physical, or they'd be tortured by his manipulation.

It was like stepping on eggshells around Akito. Nothing ever seemed to satisfy him, and as a result he tends to take it out on the Zodiac members.

And now they were on their way to see him.

Hatori gripped the steering wheel tightly.

He wasn't looking forward to seeing him, and neither was Ichika.

"Hatori-san?" Ichika suddenly called as she kept her eyes glued out the window.

"Hm?" Hatori mumbled.

"I've always wondered but.." She hesitated. "..do you know why Akito is like that?"

Hatori looked stunned. How should he answer her?

The Mabudachi Trio, also known as Hatori, Shigure and Ayame were one of the few that knew why Akito turned out the way he is today. After all, they've known him since he was a child and spent almost their whole life with him.

Throughout the years, they watched helplessly as he slowly turned to the darkness.

Hatori would think any unhappiness they suffered now was their karma. A punishment for not being able to help him. But what could little kids do? And when they realised how bad  it actually was, it was already too late. Akito was completely engulfed in darkness.

"Hatori-san?" Ichika's melodic voice called out once again, snapping him back to reality.

"Ah, my apologies. I was too immersed in my thoughts," He apologised, before sighing, "Well, it's a long story. I'll have to tell you another time though as it looks like we're here."

Hatori pulled to a stop and parked the car.

Ichika was curious, but once again she decided not to pry further.

With her navy eyes, she glanced over to the large gates towards a tall traditional building with a vast front garden and she gulped.

Hatori exited the car and she followed suit, closing the door and hesitantly walked behind him.

When they reached the front porch, they were immediately greeted by the Head Maid, Sawa, who had on her usual serious and stern expression. Her hands gracefully clasped in front of her as she made a bow before glancing at the the blue-haired girl with an unwelcoming frown on her face.

Ichika quickly looked away.

"Hatori-sama, Ichika-sama, greetings. The Head is waiting in his room." Sawa said.

Hatori nodded and Sawa guided them. They silently walked through the halls and tension was felt in the air. It was getting harder for Ichika to breathe. The air was too thick and heavy.

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