"Was worth a try. It seems we are once again back to square one."

"Ugh. This is just so - so frustrating." You reached up and began to pick at your bottom lip.

"Darling, stop that." His cool touch dragged your hand away from your lip.

You looked up into his eyes, their red glow bothering you less and less. Your own eyes began to fill with tears of frustration at your situation.

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" He asked.

"Call me nicknames. Pet, Dearest, Darling... nicknames are for people that matter to you."

He dropped your arms and pushed your hair back into place. "I guess, in a way, you do matter to me. I've been rude, trying to push you away. Trying to force our connection to sever. Against my greatest efforts, that doesn't seem to be working. So maybe it's time to accept this and work together to fix it. Be friends as you put it."

"You say that I matter to you, yet you don't even know me." You leaned away from him.

"Then tell me about yourself, dearest."


"Basically a Swiss talent show."

You'd been walking and talking for quite some time. He'd asked if you'd seen much of your world and that's how you ended up telling him about your experience traveling to Europe your senior year of high school.

"Talent show?" He asked, intrigued.

"Yes. It's when people take turns getting up and sharing something they are good at or enjoy. I used to do a show and share every Friday with my class." You smiled fondly at the memory of your kids bringing in their favorite stuffies, blankies, or action figures. Then the moment was ruined by the all too familiar dredge that you couldn't do that anymore. Because you were no longer a teacher.

He seemed to pick up on your vast change in mood and brought your attention back to the moment and the story you'd been telling by gently laying his hand on your shoulder, encouraging you to continue your walk. You hadn't even noticed you'd stopped.

"And these Swiss people, their talents were cheese?"

You couldn't help the burst of laughter that erupted from your mouth. "Nooo! Well, yes. But, no. Their talent show consisted of music, singing, and dancing. All traditional pieces from their specific country, Switzerland."

"Ahhh I see. We have something similar at my home when foreign dignitaries visit. A large banquet is held celebrating both parties with a feast, music, dancing. Everyone dresses to the nines and usually spends the entire night in revelries."

"Like a ball? That sounds like so much fun!"

"It can be, with the right people." He squeezed your side. "I would wager that you would look lovely in the traditional garments of my people, dancing by the firelight."

You looked down to the shadows wrapped around your waist as you walked.

When did that happen? Why do I kind of like it?

You smiled up at him. "Where are you from?"

His eyes smirked down at you. "Now, now dearest. We are supposed to be talking about you."

You rolled your eyes and chewed on your lip.

He stopped walking. With his shadowy hand still firmly on your waist, that meant you stopped walking too.

His other hand reached out, grasping your chin so that you were forced to look into his eyes. You were growing used to their red pigment, enough that you could pick out a bit of amusement behind his gaze.

Of Love and Mischief (MCUxReader)Where stories live. Discover now