Concert Heart

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-Prompt- Dream is the singer of a major band, George is a literal fan boy, especially for Dream-

(Foul language, alcohol, etc.)


Three more days until the concert.

George had gotten all his essentials packed for the trip. "Are you still able to give me a ride?", he asked his friend during breakfast. He made pancakes and bacon in hopes to be able to convince his friend. "George, I bought a ticket with you remember", he said while stuffing his face. "Oh right, thanks Karl", George replied.

With weeks of planning ahead, they were assured things would go smoothly. George was thankful he booked a room in the nearest hotel to the concert venue. "How long is it to get there?", Karl asked. George took out his phone, "Since it's in another city, i'm sure like two hours." It all depended on traffic as well.


Two more days.

"You really need to learn how to drive, you know that right", Karl sounded exhausted. George smiled, feeling quite bad for his friend. "Well it's going to take a bit, I was already having a difficult time in Brighton"

It hadn't been long since George had moved to America. "Plus with the cars and roads changing placements", he added on. Karl groaned, he quickly decided to turn on the radio. "Remind me why we left today again?", George asked. Karl seemed to only focus on the road ahead. His eye-bags were very noticeable. "Because George, if we went tomorrow or the day of the concert, we would've gotten worse traffic than now", he finally said. George rolled down his window. "Why'd you pull an all nighter"

"I entered a raffle that we had to win"


Just one more day.

They had arrived in the evening yesterday. Feeling rested today, Karl decided to roam around the city with George. "So you're saying we could win VIP backstage passes?", George asked eagerly. Karl put up his hand in a halt motion. "If, we win the raffle", he responded with. George huffed, he turned his head and spotted a themed cafe. "Let's go over there", he said while pointing.

The themed cafe in question was adorned with academic decor. "Of course you choose the nerdy cafe", Karl laughed at his own joke. "You're the one dressed the part", George poked fun at the fact that Karl did in fact look nerdy. Karl made a grumbled noise, "I'll take that as a compliment"

Once seated down with their drinks and pastries, they began to talk again. "When do they announce the winners?", George asked. Karl checked his phone, "I'm not sure, they will send me a message though wether we win or not." George took a sip from his mixed drink. "It'd be so great if we won, I would get to be near Dream peacefully", he fawned. Karl rolled his eyes while scrolling through his phone. "Yeah whatever, i'm more excited to meet Punz and Sapnap"

They headed out as they finished their food and drinks.


It was uncomfortably crowded and cold while waiting outside the venue.

"And we had to arrive early why?", Karl was the one asking something this time. George rubbed his hands together, wanting them to get warmer. "It just seemed like a good decision", he answered. Karl let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm freezing George, you didn't even let me get a pocket heat pad!", he said angrily. George grabbed Karls hands, cupping them with his own. "Karl, stop being a little bitch", he said in a smug tone. Karl furrowed his brows, "Oh my fucking go-" His sentence cut short with a loud slam noise. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM NOT ALLOWED IN THE VENUE?!", someone yelled.

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