🥂 Out in  California 🥂

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So I was listening to Chase Atlantic (as one does) and swim came on and I was like "What if I write a smutshot about this" and yeah here we are

Btw, this fanfic does focus on Quackity and George for a good while (Not shipping them though, just amigos being amigos)

Includes: Pet calling, Degarding


"What do you mean vidcon is cancelled?!?", George semi-yelled as he let out a frustrated groan.

"Yeah, something about covid cases taking a rise or some shit", Sapnap replied, "Language!"

George stared at his screen, watching both Sapnap's and Bad's icon light up due to discord picking up their mics. The only one that remained silent was Dream. George furrowed his brows, something about Dream not talking bothered him.

"Aren't you going to say anything?!", George raised his voice again. He didn't mean to raise his tone, it just came out that way. The two that have been bickering about Sapnap's language immediately stopped talking. Bad cleared his throat, "He went to the bathroom, remember?"

George then recalled Dream saying that he was going to the bathroom. He suddenly felt his face get warm from embarrassment. "George, you alright?", Sapnap asked half-chuckling. George frowned, knowing that Sapnap found his anger funny. "I'm fine okay, just..tired", George said quietly.

Sapnap was about to say something until there was sound coming from Dreams end. The tall man had returned, and he brought food with him, loud food. "What're we talkin' about?", he asked with a mouth full of chips. Both Sapnap and George talked at the same time, George saying nothing while Sapnap told Dream about what happened. George groaned as he heard Dream chuckle. "Poor Gogy missed me huh", Dream teased, George was not in the mood for Dreams idiocy right now. "Oh shut up!", he yelled fully and quickly left the call. "God!", he let out frustratingly while closing discord and went straight to his hotel bed.

George arrived at California a few days ago, excited about vidcon and getting to meet some of his overseas friends. But now it was all ruined thanks to this stupid thing called covid. George covered his entire face with a pillow and yelled into it. He wanted to cry so bad due to his head hurting from being frustrated. The boys didn't help either with their ridiculous bits. "You idiot", George said though he was referring to no one. George then uncovered his face and grabbed his phone. He checked the day and time. He then unlocked it and opened google. 'What to do in LA', he filled his search bar with this and tapped the search button.

George went through articles but found nothing of his interest. George felt himself get frustrated again. Quickly he got off google and opened the phone app. He went through his contacts. Soon he was calling a contact he named 'Alex Quackity'

"Hello?", a way too familiar voice answered. George sighed, "What do I do in California?", he asked desperately. "What?", Quackity sounded confused, and rightfully so. George rolled his eyes and asked again. It took a moment for Quackity to talk again. "Why do you...wait, are you?-", "Yes..", Quackity let out an excited laugh. "No way!", he exclaimed as he shuffled on his end. "Yes! I am! Can you help me now?!", George raised his voice. Quackity laughed, "Alright! Relax.", he said while still letting out small giggles.

"You know what you should do?", Quackity said eagerly. "No...what?", George asked tilting his head to the side.

"You should do me-"

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