Middle of the Night *

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*This chapter contains Sexual Adult Situations


Dinner was nice, I really had a great time, considering how it started. I couldn't believe my mother and how she acted. Especially towards Min Jun. I hope he understands that I have no reason to dislike him because he is Korean. I love that we are from different cultures. I want to get to know about him and his interests. I want to know his traditions and know everything that makes him, him. He seemed happy; especially when he was able to tell everyone that we were dating. Shortly after dinner, it was time for us to leave. Everyone had basically rode with Min Jun, but I didn't want him to leave me. I lived just down the street and it was late. We had a few bottles of Soju and I definitely didn't want him to drive home, let alone drive everyone else home too.

"Chanel," I called her over to me at the door as we were preparing to leave. "Can your driver take everyone home?" I asked.

"Didn't they ride with Min Jun?" She asked.

"Yes they did, but I have plans for him tonight." I said. She looked at me and gave me that look. She knew exactly what was on my agenda.

"Ooooo, Bitch. I know that look." She bumped into me. I rolled my eyes and we giggled. "Gone' head girl, get yours. Take your man home, I'll make sure everyone gets home. You deserve it."

"Thank you girl. I'll call you tomorrow. I love you." I said. Chanel gave me a hug.

"I love your crazy ass too." She said, "Are you going to leave his car here or can you drive home?" She asked.

"I think we will be good going home. It's not far. I just didn't want him trying to drive everyone else home." I said.

"I feel you girl. Go ahead, I got them." She said, I really did love her. I didn't have a sister and she was the best thing to a sister any person could ever have. I truly value our friendship as we had a sisterhood that had a strong bond and I loved her tremendously.

"Thank you everyone for coming out tonight. I appreciate all of you. It meant a lot to me." I said to the group.

"So, here's the thing, I have my car that is about to arrive shortly, so I will be taking all of you home so Min Jun and Juniper can go home. That way he doesn't have to drive all of you home after we all have had a few drinks. And I want to make sure my boy, Min Jun, makes it to work tomorrow." Chanel said to the group.

"Are you sure? Will there be enough room?" Se-ra asked.

"Yes girl, I have a large SUV that seats 8. So plenty of room." She said as the black SUV pulled up alongside the restaurant. It had dark tinted windows and it was sleek and stylish.

"What do you do? Are you in the entertainment business?" Jin asked.

"I'm glad you asked, but no, I'm not. I am a fashion designer for a major clothing company. I am here to find a location for us to expand."

"Wow. Nice." He said. "It must be very important for them to give you a car and a driver." He stated. Chanel smiled as she knew she was important to this company, damn important. She has closed many deals for the company and she is not stopping anytime soon.

"Yes, very important. My driver will be taking each of you home, however he will be dropping me off at my hotel as I have a very early day tomorrow. So just give him your address so he can drop each one of you off." She said.

"Thank you so much Chanel. I think you will be my other bestie!" Se-ra stated. She seemed excited to be driven around.

"Yes girl, we gotta stick together to keep Juniper on the right track." She said and both of them looked back. They all waved and loaded into the truck and they were off.

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