'Heroes aren't really my thing.' Killua eyed the boy's outfit, he was wearing his uniform from the arena, the gas mask and everything. Kurapika returned, no longer with said thug.

"What's that about then?" Killua gestured to his outfit. Sakune looked himself up and down before relocating his gaze to his friend. 'Vigilantism suits me more' nobody moved. Kurapika still just fucking stood there. That is before the Zoldycks' eyes lit up like stars in the sky. "That's so badass!! God damn it now I wish I did that."

"Can we please focus?" The Kurta finally cut in. "I want to take a nap." Killua groaned, turning around the face of the other boy. He was about to speak before Kurapika continued "Before you say anything, neither of us win. So I'm not buying you dinner." Killua froze, closing his mouth.

"Can you at least tell me info then, even if I didn't win?" He whined, not waiting for a response from the blonde before turning back to Sakune, a grin spread across his face. "Are you gonna watch the sports festival?" He questioned quickly, and at this point Kurapika gave up.

"Killua. Finish this conversation and then we are leaving. Understood?" Killua felt shivers down his spine just by the voice the older boy was using; he needed to hurry up if he wanted to keep his sanity intact. Sakune raised his hand to his face, silently laughing, which made Killua smile.

'Yes, I'll watch the festival, you better be amazing.' Sakune placed his hands back in his pockets when he finished signing. Indicating to Killua that he was finished speaking. In all honesty, Killua wasn't exactly planning on even trying during the sports festival, just wanted to get it over with. But now he has to think about something else. He has to be as badass as Sakune, even if he is in the hero work instead of the vigilante work.

The silence was for once, comforting. They just stood there before Sakune moved forward, wrapping his arms around Killua in a hug. Not sure how to react at first, Killua legitimately collapsed to the ground, full ragdoll mode. Before apologising repeatedly, saying he didn't mean to it just sorta happened. Reflexes you know? Even after that, Killua stood back up, giving his friend a proper hug before saying his goodbye and walking off with Kurapika.

"How's Gon and Alluka" Killua instantly spoke up, though his feeble attempt at gaining information failed almost as fast as his past friendships...haha.....anywho-

"Thanks for asking Killua, I'm doing great. What about you?" Kurapika sarcastically responded. Killua giggled, apologising before trying again. This time asking what Kurapika had been up to while he was gone. Kurapika talked for a moment about his quick travels, and different work places he had been hired as a hunter. Only after the quick catching up did Killua re ask the question.

"I saw the two a while back, Gon was a rambling mess, either he was making up scenarios of what could have happened to you and then panicking, or he was spending his time playing puppets with Alluka." Kurapika paused for a moment, eyeing the way Killua walked, staring down at his shoes. "Alluka missed you. That's all she would talk about. But that is all I know of them, and that was around a month or two ago." The two continued to walk. No longer speaking for the rest of their walk. They stopped at a large building before Killua turned to Kurapika.

"Here." He handed Kurapika some money. "This should be enough for an apartment for a while, get a job quickly." Kurapika didn't bother asking where he got the money from. Then Killua took out a folded up receipt from his pocket, bending down and grabbing a small black stone before etching out numbers on the small paper. "I don't have a pencil, dont judge me." He glared.

"I did not say I was judging!" Kurapika raised his hands into the air as if defending himself, trying not to laugh as Killua's face reddened with embarrassment.

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