Chapter 5

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"Cid, lad, you showed courage, I like it!" Benjamin said, giving the boy on the chair a slight hit on the shoulders, as he sat down.

"...Thank you, Uncle." Not sure if what he had done was wise or not, Cid felt like he was still losing, even though he had gotten what he had asked for.

"Honey, I've already set up the bed for you, go lay down! You look exhausted!"

Opening his eyes and smiling at Pauletta, Cid nodded, "Thank you, Auntie! I really appreciate..."
Pauletta quickly interrupted him, "It is of no problem, child. It is something that I should do! Now go, we'll check on you a bit later."

Cid slowly made his way to a bed that he had used often before.

He used to come over here a lot more but since his mother had died...The bed he was now on had hardly been used...

Falling quickly into a deep, dreamless sleep, Cid didn't know that both his Aunt and Uncle had checked up on him a few times during the night...


Cid did as he said he would and went back to the jewellery factory the next day. His head still hurt quite a lot, but he knew that he could only take his medicine and deal with it. The bandage around his head, when he checked, no longer showed that he was bleeding and so he removed it.

Having had a nice, uninterrupted sleep, Cid did feel rested, but as he began to work just before lunch, his head didn't help him concentrate.

It seemed that he would be relying on medicine for longer then he originally thought...

Normally, he'd deal with the pain a lot easier but for once, it was his head that hurt, not his arm or leg or stomach and so he wasn't used to it at all.

"We need these done by today!"

Cid just nodded and blinked, trying to keep himself awake.

He knew it though, the 'job' that needed to be done today was just made up. Most of them were, Cid was sure of it but...If he didn't do it, he would lose something or be punished.

How could I keep living like this!? He thought.

He didn't mean to continue his angry feelings but as time went on and it was afternoon, Cid was getting more and more angrier.

For all the times that he had been hurt, for all the times that he wasn't accepted as a stepson. All the times that he had worked for free, that his earned or precious things were stolen. From all the times that he had done nothing wrong but still got punished just because they weren't happy! For all this time that he felt like a worker, even though he was really a part of the family...Wasn't family something that he should be able to count on but...This family was the complete opposite and just making life hard for him!

His emotions were sliding down a black walkway and Cid couldn't grasp them at all...He was just...So damned angry! The black walkway was slowly showing less and less light as he got more and more upset to his current situation.

"Cid, are you alright!"

Looking up at David, seeing Princess Bethany hiding behind him, Cid looked back down, "I'm fine!"

"Mother wanted me to tell you that she was going to stay while father and I go and trade." David stated, picking up one of the bracelets that was nearly made.

Cid took the bracelet and put it onto the table in front of him, "Tell her not to bother."


Closing his eyes and clenching his hands, Cid looked up at David, "You were only leaving for a month this time, right? What can happen in a month?"

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