Chapter 13

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Steven found out that Cid had broken free from the blacksmith, but it didn't matter to him. He had planned to let him go free not long after he slept that night, simply because he didn't want to go quite that far. He might go as far as taking possessions and locking people up, but he was not a murderer. It seemed a good time to change things, as he thought about the person he was and even for a moment found he disliked it but...It was gone moments later and he was the man he ever was once again. He was a rich heir, someone with a business, a thriving business!

Perhaps if he had not suffered such a humiliating experience of being dumped by a Princess, Stephan may have had a chance to change at this time...But humiliation can do such things to a person...As well as that of being afraid of change and what would happen if one does change...

For Steven, this is only the first time and it won't be the last time of not only feeling the chance to change and feeling disgust within himself but also that for humiliation...

It was Leonard that even had the inclination to continue to come to Pauletta and Benjamin's house to look around, like a sneaky, old man!

As far as he was aware, his 'son' had gone missing and as a 'good father', he had to find him and bring him back home! Of course, Leonard had a suspicion that a certain ring was done by a certain someone, but he had absolutely no evidence! He played the caring and doting father on the outside, so that no one would question his actions but...When no one was looking, he was swearing and growling at mainly Benjamin, who continued to stand in the way!

Whether the ring was done by Cid or not, Leonard had to get him back! It wasn't just the prospect of perhaps being the father of the person who may marry the princess but...It was of course about his own business! He needed Cid back simply because his business was already showing signs of slightly less of a profit!

It would only be a matter of time before Leonard's faithful customers realize that there isn't anymore 'Cid like' new productions coming and might end up turning their heads...No! Leonard had to get Cid to return and work for him again, even if he had to chain him to the desk!

Benjamin did have other work to do and really should tend to it but keeping Leonard away from Cid was more important!

They were so close to making it so that Cid can never be touched again by the cruel people, so Benjamin was willing to put everything on the line!

The ring needed to be made, it needed to be finished and then taken all the way to the Princess, it had to be done!

David, on the other hand, was in charge of Cid's safety, when he wasn't at their house, and did a great job!

If there was one thing that David knew, it was trouble and that people were trouble themselves! He played what he called 'little tricks' to deceive and basically made Cid something that was non existing...

Cid found it remarkable that he could even travel down a normally busy main walkway, to never been 'seen', simply because David had created a fight or something else, not too far away.

Seeing David smirking, seeing him having fun, gave Cid the shivers while remembering some tricks from the past.

"That time, when something happened not far from where we met up with the Princess..." Cid started to ask.

David interrupted him, "Yes, that was me! I'd already realized then then you liked her and gave you some alone time!"

For a moment, Cid was angry but...He got over it extremely fast...

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