Chapter 12

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David and his father had run for a long time before neither of them could continue, having to walk instead.

They had gone down two different areas that were adjacent to one another and both kept an eye out from their positions and each other. Having not found anything as of yet, it now being close to an hour since leaving the capital, they were starting to panic upon whether they would find Cid at all!

Feeling like they might have just missed him, more than once, they started to wonder if they had gone the wrong way and perhaps this was also a reason why they started to walk instead of run.

Coming together, they both agreed that they will search further away now, as the roads they were taking were doing that anyway...The problem was, it was better to split up and all they could do is state to meet back to where they were now. If they wouldn't find Cid in an hour, they would return to where they were now and go closer to the capital and do the same thing again further down, hopefully finding Cid that way as...The road really did go towards another town from here, where they would no longer be close to the capital...

With the plan in motion, Benjamin went one way and David went the other and it seemed that they did indeed go too far...

Cid leaned against the door frame and closed his eyes.

He'd gotten away, which meant Steven will find out soon enough and when he does...

As far as Cid was aware, Steven and the Princess were still engaged to be married. He didn't have a clue upon how the Princess seemed so carefree of how she was going to cancel the engagement so...

He should believe that it could be done, he should...Believe in her.

Then...If she were to cancel the engagement, then...

Right, he needed to prove himself!

Opening his eyes and nodding, Cid smiled and gave his jewellery crafting a quick thought.

How long would it take for him to get to a point of being someone good enough for the Princess?

The traders won't return for a while yet, one in a week, two in a month or so, so he won't know how much he's sold for a while and...His name or his jewellery crafting methods won't be known straight away.

It seemed...That it will be a while yet...

He wanted to get in enough money so that he could support a family, he wanted his work to be known so that they knew for certain that he would not fall into mishap and not be able to protect and look after the Princess.

Putting a hand through his hair, Cid again put his head back against the door and sighed. It wasn't all that long ago that all he wanted was to get away, now...Now he wanted to be known, he wanted to marry the Princess and he wanted to have sufficient funds...

Letting out a small laugh and shaking his head, Cid sighed.

His Princess was...

She was worth it and...He will do what he can...He will!

Pushing himself off the door and unlocking it, Cid went into his small house and closed the door behind him.

It was too late and cold to wash himself, so he just did his face and took off his long coat and hat.

Just as he finished cleaning his face and was ready to put on the fire and boil some water, a rushed knock was on the door and Cid frowned...

Could it be Steven?

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