Chapter 2

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The Princess moved closer to Cid, and then asked, "What are you working on?"

Cid tried to stay calm and moved slightly away from her, "The same one as last time."

"Oh, still? How boring!" She said, sighing and losing her posture into a slump.

"If it's so boring, find something to do." Cid stated.

"What if what I find what to do is also boring?" The Princess humphed.

Smirking to her being her normal self and fighting everything said to her, Cid stated back, "Then perhaps you should reconsider the word bored because maybe you are just using that word wrong."

"Am not!" She rebutted back.

"Then what is your definition of bored, Bethany?" Cid asked, trying very hard to keep a still hand to handle very small and delicate items.

"When you have nothing to do!" The Princess answered his question.

"Are you telling me that you can't draw, paint, sing..."

"...Shut up! You're saying that in this case I should never be bored!"

"Correct!" Cid replied, making a nice small hole into one of the shells he had on his table.

Cid was still new at knowing his feelings for this girl, so he still felt strange sitting next to her so closely. Yet, one thing that had not changed though, were their fights.

Usually, they fought all the time, they were like siblings that never had peace!

The strange thing was, she sometimes would get him things that he needed, like socks, or a warmer jacket and then he would return to her some 'broken' jewellery as a thank you and now...Now that he found that he liked fighting with her and seeing her sweet sincerity, things have been slightly awkward for him!

"Hey! Let's go and try find some gems or something! Isn't David still in town?"

Looking at the pretty Princess, even though she was in male attire...That didn't look good on her, Cid smiled, "...He's still here for another two weeks."

"Great! Let's go!" The Princess stood up and grabbed his hand and Cid frowned, he just ruined a shell completely... There was no way he was going to be able to use the shell when it was broken into two!

With the reason to leave, because of the Princess, he would be fine to get away with it but, it didn't mean that he wouldn't get beaten slightly because of it. "I'm too busy, you go!"

Sitting right back down, Cid let go of his worries and already started to get into making his newest 'special' trick. Shells!

The idea only came to him when the Princess...

"No! I'm not going alone!" Princess Bethany said firmly, folding her arms to her chest.

Cid didn't look up, not wanting to loss his attention, "Then don't go."

"But I want to go!" The Princess complained.

"Then go!" Cid said back, now in monotone and in a busy like manner. He had already started to do another hole in another shell.


Cid wasn't surprised when Princess Bethany sat back down right beside him...Still too close...

Having done this so many times now, he put in front of the pretty Princess the same things as himself and they both made jewellery together.

The Princess would not be a part of any of the hard and careful creative bits of jewellery making, nor where it may have to go into any type of heat, but she still liked to play with some small pieces of gold and small pieces of silver.

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