Chapter 4

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"Sign it!" One man stated, kneeling down and putting a quill into Cid's hand.

It was blurry, Cid couldn't even read it!

"Sign it!" They impatiently repeated.

Cid slowly looked up and then...All he could think was to pretend to faint...

When he fell to the floor, Cid stayed there so easily that he was starting to worry if he really will faint.

"Dammit! Master will get upset if the papers aren't signed!"

"What do we do?"

"...Wreck the shop!"

"Won't he know it'll be us?"

"So what? Where would be his evidence? There's no one here watching us, and we could say that we went to get something to eat and get witnesses."

"Alright! But..."

"Come on, seeing his shop look wrecked he has to sign it!"

"But won't Master Steven get upset to see his shop wrecked?"

"...Oh, right...But what do we do?"

Cid heard other footsteps and tried to focus, if this is anyone else besides Steven, perhaps he could get help!

"...Two better...What are you doing here? I told you that I did not ask for you to work he...Cid!" Cid heard Ben and was glad that he had come back. He had already thought that his Uncle had left, not to return...

"Ah, he...He hit his head!" One of the other men stated. "We were just going to...Get help..."

Cid opened his eyes, putting a hand to his head and cleared his throat, "I didn't. They punched me and then I hit my head, falling to the floor."

Their master wasn't here right now, so Cid didn't hold back, wanting these two to get into trouble...That wasn't the only reason either as he wasn't able to think straight and keep up his 'dumb' look and behavior.

Blinking a few times, to clear his vision, Cid found his Uncle in a fist fight with the two others.

This was one great thing about his uncle...He was big and hard!

He took the two on by himself and Cid tried to watch Ben take them out of the shop, to what Cid thought would be the officers just down the dirt road...But he wasn't able to think more into it as not only blood was near his eyes but his head hurt so badly...

Unable to get up at that moment, Cid just sat there, hoping he doesn't go to sleep. He wiped the blood away from his eyes, finding out that he needed to be gentle, as his head seemed to hurt more, the more it moved.

When the fighting was happening, it had been easier but as the moments go by and he is currently all by himself, Cid found it harder and harder to stay awake.

He had a doctor once state that a hit on the head was not a good thing and that he shouldn't go to sleep.

Well, if he remembers correctly that is...

As it was, he had a headache and he was bleeding and he was having trouble focusing, so...He just worked hard on just not falling asleep.

"Cid, lad, you..."

Ben's voice helped him pay attention, "I'm alright, Uncle."

"I went to see the two that used to work here but they didn't want to come back! They must have gone through a lot yesterday! So...I was...Going to close the shop."

Cid RellahWhere stories live. Discover now