Chapter 3

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Cid was good at jewellery making, which was obviously a good reason to start that type of business. But that didn't mean that was all to it. He had already thought about how Leonard's jewellery business had quite a number of regular customers that would be hard to obtain, if they were obtainable at all. Then, on top of that, he might be able to get gems and stones cheap from his friend David, but he had to make sure he had everything else. He needed to get a building, a home, or possibly both together. He also wanted to make business propositions with the pottery people on the other side of town.

Argh, if only he had some time on his hands and had a regular payment to put away for this!

His stash of money was hidden with his papers to his father's business and the idea on where to hide it was through his friend's mother, Pauletta.

She had tried to find something that was right in front of her and still had trouble and so...Cid uses that same strategy with his secret stash!

His stepfather has probably looked at the blacksmithing shop and also his room...Many times!

But, did he ever consider that what he's looking for was under his very nose?

It was a laughable matter, really!

For years, Cid had stashed his money there and then his papers there later, right in his Stepfather's office!

Cid doesn't go to his stepfather's office unless he's called to go there but...That isn't hard!

Leonard would tell him to dust, stating he forgot to tell the workers to do it instead...Well, that and get firewood and put books away and write something for him and...So on...

And...In doing these chores it was also a way to nit pick and find a fault in him, especially when Leonard would get him to write. Having to play dumb and not write well, Cid already knew as soon as the words left Leonard's mouth that he was going to be punished...

So, Cid only needed to wait for his stepfather to be away for a short moment, for him to put away his money, and then continue to work as though nothing had happened!

Simple, easy and so far...Nothing had been found.

Sadly, Cid knew that if his money was found, he'd lose it...As the first two times, when he had kept his money in his room, it had gone.

It was his papers that he was worried about but...What else was he to do?

Benjamin and Pauletta had already helped him out a great deal! He doesn't even know how to repay them for all of their help! Only to ask for more help from them seemed completely wrong and he wasn't going to do that!

Cid just couldn't do it!

He had to rely on himself and so if the papers get taken and somehow his stepfather gains the ownership through finding it, then...So be it...

Keeping it from the stepfather this long has already tired him out and Cid also knew that he wasn't looking at doing blacksmithing after he moved away anyway...What was worth it though, was not giving the man what he wanted!

That was what Cid was getting out of this!

If he can stop his stepfather from gaining something for nothing, then that was enough for now!


With four hours sleep, Cid was up once again to trot down the path and be the first person to enter into the jewellery factory.

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