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I walk to the cafe to give my form. "Annyeonhaseyo.." I slowly walk inside and went to the counter. "Eo! Annyeong" the waitress smiled. "what should I call you?" She asked. "Erm Minseo or Mary" I smile at her back. "Okay so Minseo-ya, you can go inside the kitchen and knock on the room with the brown color door" I nodded and take my form with me.

I slowly knock on the door and as I heard the manager said come in, I opened the door. "Ohoo annyeonhaseyo!" The manager laughed. "Annyeonhaseyo.." I said awkwardly."okay so your name is Jeong Minseo is it correct?" I nodded. "Since you're a high schooler..maybe you can have shift on weekends and holidays? I'll pay you a bit higher amount of salary from the waitress job since you bake" I nodded. "So when can I start the job?" I asked him. "You can start next week? So prepared! Here's the recipe. Don't share it with the others because they might copy it" I handshake with him. "Thank you, sir" I bowed before leaving the office.
"Can't believe I get a part time job" I said excitedly. I walk out of the cafe.

While excited walk out the cafe I bump onto someone. "Can't you see someone walki-..ing? 죄송합니다" I was about to scold the person till I saw the face. "M-minseo-ya" Junghwan eyes widened. I just walk away like I didn't see anything. "Wait!!" He run after me. "Yes?" I smile respectfully. "I'm sorry" he look at me. "It's okay, have a great day sunbaenim" I bowed and walk away from that awkward situation.

"Excuse me..you look so pretty, do you mind if I get your number?" A student asked me. "I'm sorry but I can't do that" I flash a smile and walk away from them.

??? poV
She's cute..I hope I can meet her again soon

Junghwan poV
After I bump to Minseo, I saw a student with a friend talking to Minseo. He look so awkward talking to Minseo.. perhaps he trying to flirt with her? Tch he tried so hard maybe I should- Oh Minseo just walk away from them..maybe she rejected him HAH bad for them

"Junghwan-ah what are you looking at?" Jeongwoo look around. "NOTHING! THERE'S NOTHING! Let's go" I push him. "Ehheyyy you sure?" He smirk. "Yes there's nothing! We should go now" I push him to the front.

Why do I even care if someone flirt with her.. it's not like we're dating or something.

"Yah Yah Yah Junghwan-ah! You did it wrong! Again!" Hyunsuk scold us. Since the time she came back here.. I've been thinking about her a lot. They way we talk in the fansign call.

"Yah Junghwan-ah what are you doing?! Take 5" Hyunsuk sighed. I laid on the floor panting. "Junghwan..you kept on daydreaming this whole practice..what are you thinking of?" Jaehyuk asked. "When the love start to grow without us realize.. we'll think about them alot" Everyone looked at Asahi who randomly talking about love. I choked on my water. "This is funny" Mashiho laughed. "Okay!!! Let's start again but this time junghwan don't mess up" hyunsuk hyung glared at me.

Minseo poV
I should have buy some groceries! Now I only have this ramen to eat..Then, I heard a knock on the door. "I didn't order anything- Hyunsuk oppa!?" I look at him. "Annyeong? I bought you some fried chicken" he show a box in the plastic bag. "come in, are you my side angel? How did you know that I'm hungry" I laughed. "Stop messing around! Jihoon told me about this apartment so I want to pay a visit" he smile.

"ouhhh..so did you guys practice today?" He nodded. "But something seems odd on Junghwan.." I look at him feeling curious. "I don't know why but he daydreaming a lot today and he did lots of mistakes too while practicing" He looked at me. "Maybe because he's tired or something?" I eat the fried chicken. "Have you guys bump into each other today?" I choked on his words. "yes actually.. this morning" he nodded slowly.

"So that might be the reason of why he's acting weird" I just laughed awkwardly. "Did the others know that you're coming to my apartment?" I asked him. "Nope, maybe once we get our day off we'll pay a visit together all 12 of us" he smiled. "oh yeah I forgot to tell you, do you mind collaborating with me?" He asked. "Collaborating on what haha-" I look at him weirdly. "You said that you want to do a YouTube channel covering songs right? How about collaboration with me and upload it to your YouTube? It might explode" he smirk.

"So you tryna say that if we Collab all your fans gonna come at my YouTube? Well that's great but you know I might be busy a lot.." he pout. "You do the beat first and do empty space for me to put my verse okay? I'll try" I laughed. "Nice! I'll let Yang Hyunsuk pdnim know about it first, so we can get an id pass for you to come in" I nodded. "I felt like it's our fan meeting right now so..." I run into my room and took out my a other album. "Yaaa! What are you doing?" He laughed.

"Hyunsuk oppa..can I get a sign on my album?" I record it on my phone. "Since it's for our fan.. I'll do it! But don't upload it anywhere.. it's a secret" I laugh and nodded to him. "What's your name?" He asked acting smoothly. "I'm Jeong Minseo" he nodded as like he didn't even know my name. "This is a watch I bought when I lived at California..it wasn't that expensive but yeah a gift from your fan" his eyes looked like he almost cry. "Seo-ya..why did you do this to me!!" He whined. "Because you're my idol! Now can you do 3 set aegyo for me" I smirk at him. "Anything for you" he did it..HE ACTUALLY DID THE AEGYO AND THAT SHII IS SO FRICKIN CUTE.

"YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!" I fangirling over him. "Stop it! Don't make me blush" he covered his face. "Seriously so adorable I wish I could put you in my pocket" I sighed. "You really did that on purpose to make me feel better don't you?" He hold my hand playing with it. "Yeah I did" he rolled his eyes while I laugh loudly. "Okay cut!!!" He stop the recording. "Thanks hyunsuk" I said still laughing at him.

"I need to go now...tomorrow we have to practice so we didn't go to school! When are you going to school?" He asked. "I don't know...next week?" He nodded and give the last hug before leave.

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