This was that siren that saved me all those years ago. He looks so banged up and he has cuts and bruises everywhere, it's my turn to save him.

"Hey are you awa-" I started as I reached to brush the hair from his face when he grabbed my wrist with such speed I thought he was going to rip my arm from my body. He opened his eyes and stared into my e/c ones as he dug his nails into me making me wince before he forcefully pushed my hand away. He started to try to back away from me and sit up but he kept falling and cutting himself on the rocks as he flailed and whipped his tail around to help him move.

"Stop, your hurting yourself, let m-" I reached my arms back out to hold his upper form up but he bit my arm making me hold a pained moan in as blood trickled down from where his teeth were in me.

"I'm not going to hurt you" his eyes seemed to swirl for a moment before they returned to normal and he opened his mouth releasing me.

"Whats the best way for me to help you" I said as I slowly made my way to his shaking upper body, I could see he was tired.

"W-water, t-take me-e" he said with a deep horsed and strained voice as he looked at the ocean water. I smiled now fully knowing that I could actually communicate with him.

"Ok, I'm going to try my best to get you there, but I'm not that strong so I need you to help me a little ok" he nodded his head slowly.

"Ok I'm going to put your arm around my shoulder and my arm around your back" He didn't move or say anything and just watched me slowly do as I said.

"Can you lift your tail a little so I can wrap my arm underneath you to help me lift you up" he watched my other arm as he bent his tail and lifted himself off the ground with the end. I did as I told him I would. I don't know how I should feel about watching the muscles in his tail flex and move and the fact that watching them expand made me a little aroused. I leaned more of his weight on me as he kept using the end of his tail to help lift his weight. Slowly but surely I got him to the water. Far enough so I could sit and my ass and croch was covered with water but low enough so I wouldn't get pulled out to sea. He started to pant harder as we sat down in the water now. With shaky hands he started to cup the water and rub it into his cuts and bruises.

I was going to say something but I watched as they washed away like dirt leaving his skin untouched. I noticed he had some big gouges on his back with some pebbles in them and I did as he was doing for his front half and tail. I cupped water with both of my hands and rubbed the water into the big gouges. His body tightened and he pulled away from my hands as his head snapped back to look at me.

"I-im sorry, you have a deep gash on your back with rocks in it, i-i just wanted to help you, i-im sorry if I hurt you" I stuttered under his hard eyes as I lifted my hands away from his back with a little of his blood on my hands. His eyes flickered from my eyes to my hands a few times before he turned his head back around and quietly spoke.

"It's fine, just stings. You could have left me know that you were about to do that" I smiled, happy that he wasn't mad with me.

"Should I keep rubbing the water on it" he was quite for a little.

"That would make things easier for me, yes" I went back to cupping the water and rubbing it into his back as I did my best to get the pebbles and dirt out with it. With how deep it was, when it finally did heal up it left a scar.

"I'm sorry" I said as I pulled my hands from him and started to rinse them in the water.

"I told you it was fine, its not like you were the reason I got hurt" he started to shift as his tail slapped at the sand making water fly up in the air, it looked like he was going to head back out to the ocean.

one piece x reader one shot lemons (take two)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя