Nesting part 1 (omega law)

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Being an alfa woman isn't that unusual. What is unusual is for one to blantly refuse to mate with a male alfa or beta. I'm the unusual one. I refuse to have a male alfa look down on me like I'm less then alfa. I'm a pure alfa, which mean my mom and dad were both alfas. It's a thing that if a woman is born an alfa to have them mate with another alfa to keep the blood pure. But fuck that shit, when you mate you mate for life and I don't what some alfa dickhead thinking he can tell me what to do. They have been pissing me off lately, they keep fucking stealing my shit. If they think I'm going to come crawling to them for it they must be crazy. It's not even stuff that's worth a lot like a hat, a scarf, my hoody, my favorite stuffed animal. They had to go in my purse to get that one, didn't take any money or anything, just my little panda. What pisses me off more is I asked the librarian who went in my bag to get it and she just smiled and giggled telling me I should read a book and handed me one on omegas. So here I am reading about how mated omega take things from their alfas when nesting to help them with their upcoming heat cycle...... the problem there is I HAVENT MATED WITH AN OMEGA.

"God damnit Deb, this doesn't help me" I said slamming the book down making the beta flinch.

"The more that I thought about it, why didn't your omega tell you she was taking things for her nest" I rubbed my face getting annoyed with her.

"That might be cuz I haven't mated with an omega, | haven't mated with anyone" she looked at me confused then her face was like a light bulb went off. She pulled a book out from under her table and slammed it on top of the other one.

She opened it so fast i thought she would rip the cover off until she got to a part with fated pair in bold at the top.

"An unmated omega will take their f-"

"Wait, why dose it say their and not her, omega are only ever women" she held up her finger and looked at me before she went back to the book.

"That's the thing. And unmated omega will take their fated pairs items for their nesting. They may never have met before, but the scent will draw the omega to their fated alfa. Fated pairs are the rarest mates. Their bonds are the strongest of mates. When an omega looks into the eyes of there fated alfa for the first time they will go

through the symptoms of being in heat without being in heat. When an alfa looks into the eyes of their fated omega for the first time they will go though the symptoms of being in rut. The fated alfas rut will be overridden if the alfas omega is in danger."

"I know all this crap. But tell me in all of time has a man ever been an omega. Everyone knows that fated pairs are opposite genders and I'm an alfa woman. Men are only ever alfas or betas." She flipped more pages.

"Will you just stop and listen y/n. There has only been one omega male documented. Look here, it saids that the male omega nested with his fated alfas belongs cuz her sent was on them. It saids that he didn't realize he was doing it till she claimed him. It saids that he described when he went though heats that he had the need to empty himself. Scientists said that when the male omega went though a heat cycle, instead of being at top fertility like female omegas. That his sperm count went up drastically needing him to empty his testicles" she stopped and looked at me.

"What i-"

"No" I cut her off as I felt a tear roll down my cheek, she flinched back at me using my alfa voice.

"Don't fill me with false hope. I have been here for 29 years and I have never found a mate. Nor will I ever find one, omegas heats don't effect me like they do the other alfas. There is no way there is some male omega alive to be fated to me" I closed the book on her and walked out of the library with my hands in my pockets. I know all about the fated pairs, I grew up believing that I could have one. Then the world slapped me in the face with the fact that for me to have a fated mate they need to be a male omega. They don't exist, that guy probably just wanted attention and lied. Damnit, I miss my panda. I would play with it every time I'd get upset and angry. Who's making coffee out here. I picked my head up to look around me and see if there was a vendor brewing some, but all I saw were people selling clothing and trinkets.

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