Embarrassment (bdsm sub ace)

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This is a request and it has pegging in it. If you don't know what that is, it's

where a girl fucks a guy with a strap on. You have been warned.

Chapter Text

I'm not much for girly things. It makes sense when I'm the only girl on whitebeards crew. I wear baggy men's muscle shirts and baggy men's shorts. My hair is always up cuz I hate when it's in my face when fighting. I don't do makeup or fancy shoes. It's always boots or bear foot. I hate showing my curves, I feel like if I do the guys will go easy on me and I don't need that. I'm making my way to the mess hall when I overhear talking about me. I stop outside the door and listen in a spot they can't see me.

"-makes you wonder what she's got under them baggy clothes don't it"

"Oh please, as if anyone would want y/n, she's manish, who wants to think their fucking a man" that was definitely ace, why would he say that though. He's always so nice to me.

"Men want to know they are fucking women am I right, she probably has a flat chest with no ass and that's why the clothes are baggy"

"Damn ace your really attacking her"

"What, its true, has anyone seen her to know otherwise... thats what I thought, she

probably hasn't even-" I didn't stay to listen to the rest ace had to say about me. I'll

fucking show them, you don't get to make me cry like this and not get your words thrown back. Luckly we were docked at an island so I just walked off the ship and went shopping I hate shopping but I don't have any girly clothes and I'm going to make sure everyone shuts the fuck up.


I finally finished the makeup. I got a black skin tight dress that showed my curves

beautifully with two hols at the sides showing my skin. The front was cut low showing lots of cleavage and a little of my red bra. The dress only came to right below my ass but didn't ride up to show my red panties at all. I got some black glittery heals that wern't too high.

had my hair down with some nice curls, but not too much. I spirits some f/s perfume on and made my way to the deck. The sun was starting to set, but I didn't see papa on his chair. I decided to go to the mess hall since that's where noise was coming from. It seemed as if there was some party or something that was happening it looked like everyone was in here eating and talking

"Y/n, there you are my dear, you shouldn't have gotten all dressed up for a little dinner

like this. You look breathtaking my dear" papa was at the back of the mess hall sitting in his big chair there. His booming voice got the attention of everyone and it got extremely quiet. I'm sure you could hear a pebble drop with how quiet it was. Everyone was frozen in place as they stared at me. I made my way too papa.

"I didn't know you wanted a dinner with everyone, I was going on a date with a man I

meet on the island today and I was going to ask if we could not leave Port. I dont know when I'll get back and I didn't want yous to leave without me...... it's that ok papa, I don't have to go if you don't want me too" I said that as I was twearling my hair around my finger and doing my best to blush and seem cute,

"Heavens no, go on your date my dear" I smiled and clapped my hands and did a little bounce making my boobs and ass giggle.

"Thanks papa" then I turned to walk out seen that everyone was still staring at me. Ace was holding meat to his face with his mouth open like he was about to take a bite. His mouth was full of food and his eyes were big and glued to me, his face was red too.

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