Mate (dom siren shanks)

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Picture above is the closest I could find to what his colors look like

*** 15 year old shanks pov***

I swam out a little higher today, I wanted to get sunlight. A small shadow pulled me to look up as I did I saw what looks like a child of a human girl.

I was going to let her drown as it looked like she was already doing. She was out way farther than she should have been. However once I saw her eyes something in me started screaming, mate, mate, mate, mate, and before i realized what was happening I grabbed her. I pull her up to the surface, I wanted to let her drown but something wasn't letting me. Why, I finally become of age just to find out that my mate is a measly human girl. I brought her to a shoreline that didn't have any people on it. She seemed to be a little out of it. I got up to the shoreline out the water and laid her down as I was about to turn back but something was yelling at me to make sure she was OK to check her, as I did I noticed she wasn't breathing. She must have got water in her lungs, I hear that's not a thing they can survive. I didn't really know what to do but something was telling me that I had to push on her chest and blow air into her mouth which I reluctantly did, mate or not she's still a human and humans are horrid creatures. She finally started to cough up water as she looked at me and as I looked into her eyes I couldn't find it in me to pull away to go back to the sea. I want to take her, kill her, kill her for being human, kill her for just existing. But something in me was screaming how innocent she looked, how young she was, saying that maybe, maybe she will be better, maybe she will be different. Before I could decide what I wanted to do I felt her stroke the scales on my tail making me shiver. I am sure the humans dont know that that's a very sexual gesture. I grab her wrist wanting to snap it for touching me like that, but as I look back at her face she weakly whispered "Beautiful" Making me freeze all thought actions.

She thought I was beautiful? Out of everything males of my kind are not seen as very beautiful, even less for myself from my striking colors. Not being able to bring myself to hurt her I started to sing to her so she would at least fall asleep, maybe think that none of this was real. With my enchanting voice low I could see the sparkles in her eyes showing my spell is working. Her eyes slowly fluttered shut and I could feel the muscles in her arm slack as her head turned to the side on the sand showing she was out cold before I even got a quarter way into my song. Far off in the distance I could hear people screaming and yelling for someone as they approach closer and closer but not close enough to see me so l quickly turned my way back into the ocean. I quickly dived down deep so no human could see my colors. Why a human girl, why Pasadena, why have you forsaken me with a human mate.

*** timeskip to reader pov at 20***

They keep telling me that it's dumb. That I didn't see what I know I saw. That I wasn't saved by a male siren when I was 7. They said that it was just a kids imagination. But I know What I saw, I know what I felt, I know what I heard. The male part of him looked like he was a teen. His scales were a beautiful red that shimmered like gold. It made me think of the Japanese dragons that the rich would have in panting. His hair was a little above his shoulders and a vibrant red. I have never seen anything more beautiful in all my life since that day. His dark eyes seemed to sparkle even as his face held confusion and anger. Every day I come back to this beach and walk the shoreline in hopes that I will see him again.

Wishing to just thank him and apologize for stroking his tail that he didn't seem to like at the time. I finally reached the rocks at the one end that I normally sat on for a little before I would walk back down the beach to my car and head home to get up for work the next day. But this time in the mix of rocks I could see the chest of a man slowly rising and falling, he looked to be bleeding. I quickened my pace to see if I could help him. As I ran up to him I fell to my knees to check on him. That's when I saw it, his red and gold scaled tail fin and red hair. He had three scars over his left eye now and he looked like a mature man, but there was no doubt in my mind.

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