Lakehouse (rich jock ace)

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This school was a little different, ok alot different. Normal schools you would have your jocks beat up the nerds and be the bully of the school, but not here. No here the jocks ARE the nerds so no one would dare to say shit about it cuz the will best the shit out of you then, just like how they bully the bullys. These guys are the nicest guys in the school, and some of them are my best friends. Like ace, we have been friends since he was little and my next door neighbor took him in when his dad passed from an illness.

He likes to be called pops so I have no idea what his real name is. He's one of the richest guys in town with the most pull. Anyway, back to ace. I get picked on alot, I dont know why. But everytime it happens ace swoops in and starts being a dick and making an ass out of whoever is bullying me, like right now.

"Damn ace, people might think you like dating dorks like her" ace gasped over dramaticly and hooked his arm around me.

"'Y/n would you date me" he asked still looking at the kid that was being a dick to me. Would I date him, not will, so he's not asking me. I'm sure he's just making a point here.

"Yes I-you hear that, she said yes. Which mean she's my girlfriend, which also means..." he cut me Off then he took his arm back from around me and started to crack his knuckles with an intimidating smile.

"I'm going to kick your ass for talking to my girlfriend like that" then the kid ran away with ace hot on his tail before the kid tripped over his feet giving ace his opening to start wailing on the kid.

I ran over and pulled him off the kid, after ace gave him a bloody nose.

"Stop it ace, you'll get suspended again and get kicked off all the sports teams. Besides I want to go home, it's Friday"

"You're lucky" ace said before he kicked the kid in the side for good measure before he started to walk away. I smaked him in the back of the head.

"Hey, what was that for"

"For being a dumby" he chuckled and rubbed the back of his head before he unlocked his car and got in. It was a nice mustang with a red paint job that when the light hit it at different angles it looked like it was on fire.

"ACE, IM SLEEPING OVER AT ZOROS HOUSE SO IM GOING HOME WITH HIM" luffy yelled from across the parking lot.

"SOUNDS GOOD" ace yelled back before he shut his door and I got in. He started it up and played some old school rock and roll before he pulled out to head home. He was driving for about 5 minutes before he spoke up.

"Why are you so quiet, normally you tell me all about you-"

"I know you were just trying to make a point but you shouldn't have said that." He made a confused face so I continued.

"Alot more people were around us then just that kid. Now everyone will think you really are with me and it's going to ruin your image. I know you really don-" he pushed the voice recognition on his steering wheel.

"Call pops"

"Calling pops"

"Ace, what is it my boy"

"'Y/n and I are going to spend the weekend at the lake house. I'm going to drive us straight there, can you tell her parents for me"

"Alright my boy, but you behave y/n is a beautiful girl and I know you love her very much but you make sure you treat her right"

"I always will pops later"

"Bye son" the call ended and we sat in silence again. He knows that ace loves me? He dose as a friend, he would never care more. He is the most popular guy in school and I'm just.... bleha.

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