Beloved (Anubis law)

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This was inspired by a one shot done by the lovely   

I can't believe I'm finally going to get there. After so fucking long of getting just the perfect matches for each guard, or each monster if you will, ill finally be able to read those Hieroglyphs. I couldn't help but smile even bigger as I saw the entrance to the Pharaohs temple. Sure enough the Sphinx that should have been there on guard were matting, or more so fucking my chosen explorers that I sent. Though they seemed to really be loving the treatment they were receiving, if there moans and seams for more was anything to go off of. After my long research I found that no mater the states of a monster or rank, they will abandon their chosen rolls for their mates. Surprisingly enough, they were not what we thought a sphinx would look like. Sure they had gigantic wings like an eagle and the tail and claws for it, but they look more like a human man and women. Quietly pulling my Journal out I made sure to Wright my findings down. Bringing a camera here to take a picture would have been a camera here to take a picture would have been even better but I'd rather the gods of these lands not strike me with lightning. Going further in I jotted down the slight difference of what we though these monsters would look like. They either didn't notice me or didn't give a shit seeing as how each one seemed to be too deep or too full of their partner I chose to send. There was only a 10% chance of my plan failing. I ran the numbers over so many times to know for certain The rest of that 10% was ridding on if this Pharaohs Anubis would except her. That's the only one I feel bad about, she had such a hard life. The only bits that I could find were that an anubis was very intelligent and level headed, were said to have a silver tongue. Either you passed there trials, that I still don't know what they are, and be seen as there spouse and treated like a Precious jewel. Or you were cursed for your insolence, or just plain murder to amuse them. However even they would abandon their duty for their mate. I couldn't help the shiver that went down my spine from the thought of it.

There's no way that the anubis didn't want her.

She was so beautiful, intelligent, and had a silver tongue. Many men wanted her but were too intimated by her. Seeing as an anubis commended the Pharaohs army of monsters and mortals, they are said to be pulled to intimidating presences. So far so good, I was almost at the chambers of the Hieroglyphs....... I'm almost at those chambers... I slowed my walk more as I realized I didn't hear the moans of beings having sex. I stopped once I realized that I should have heard the anubis and her going at it by now. I knew her well enough to recognize her voice without seeing her, and yet, I hear nothing. The Hieroglyphs are close to the Pharaohs chamber.

I can feel it... the Anubises eyes on me, studying me. Fuck, I'm going to have to chose my words wisely.

"Your instincts are higher then the other mortals that have come before you" his voice was deep and rich like a smooth piece of chocolate. I could tell from the eco that he was somewhere behind me, I wouldn't dare to move as to make him angry and curse me on the spot. He banged his staff on the ground twice and lit the hall fires.

"However you will be sharing the same fate as the few that have come before you"

"Anubis of this temple, I am not like the other mortals that have come to take from. thee... the only treasures I seek is the knowledge that lies in the Hieroglyphs. I would not dare be foolish enough to desecrate a beautiful temple such as this. Only to decipher and scribe my findings, but only if thee deems I'm worthy of such things." It was silent for a moment and I was worried that I fucked up. I don't have a fucking silver tongue, how the hell am I going to get out of this. Slowly he chuckled and gradually the volume of his chuckles turned to loud belly laughter in mockery that made my blood boil.

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