Nesting part 2 (omega law)

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this one is really long and has slight gore with law being an EXTREME submissive

It was cute seeing him be submissive, cuddly, and needy when we were in our room. Though, I can't lie how hot it made me every time I would watch him be assertive when dealing with others. Seeing him like that would make anyone believe he was an alfa. He had all the qualities of an alfa, and he only ever submitted to me. It's been a few weeks since law and I mated..... well... the first time that is. It was hard to keep my hands off him with how sexily adorable he was, so I didn't try. Deb let me take the few books she had about the first male omega documented. I think I'm going to write about law as well, seeing as how he doesn't know much about what happens with his body. He's too sensitive and weak when it happens to run tests on himself, is what he told me. I found out that once mated with his female alfa, that his heat cycle will move to my ovulation cycle for better chance of reproduction. I haven't told law about this, my ovulation cycle should be starting in a few days or so. We stopped at an island late last night, I figured I would go get him a gift. Maybe that will help calm him down. For a few days now he's been snippy and...... kind of like how female omegas pms. I would never ask him about something like that... seeing as how he hates being an omega. I asked a few of his crew to see if that's what happened around his heat, bepo told me he was like that before it would start. He told me he was concerned because law shouldn't go into heat for another three weeks, I told bepo law was fine. He did snap at me a few times when I left the sub to get his gift. I didn't take it to heart and didn't respond, letting him vent before I left. I know he loves cute things, which is why bepo is good at making him cave. I walked by one store and saw a nicely sized stuffed snow leopard in the window and I had to have it for law. After buying it I made sure to hold it as close to me as I could so my sent was all over it for him. I smiled like a dork thinking about the adorable face he would make when I gave it to him. His cheeks turning red as he'd bite the inside of his cheek. How he would hold his hat down to hide it from me but never fight when I would hold his jaw and make him look at me so I could kiss him. I shivered and shook my head seeing as how I was getting aroused knowing that it almost always led to more sex with my perfect omega. I stopped suddenly with my eyes wide as I stared at the ground. My body started to get hot and I started to sweat as my breathing picked up. All the sents around me were amplified making me shake as I found it harder to breath. It felt like what happened when I looked into laws eyes for the first time but much worse. Where is law? Where is law? Where is my omega?! I shook my head as I held it with one hand. I found that I was gripping the stuffed snow leopard in my arms so hard that it looked like I wanted to tear it apart. Why am I so angry? Why am I so frustrated? Why am I so horny?! I shook my head again and clutch my head with both hands. I felt so much presser in my skull that I felt like it was going to burst.

"Your a pure alfa aren't you darling" I looked to my side to find an older man approaching me.

"H-how-" my voice was aggressive and I didn't want to to be.

"Why else would an alfa be out and about and wear the face of utter confusion and slight horror as she's in rut" I widened my eyes shocked from his words.

"B-but i-i don't-"

"Don't smell an omega in heat? Those are false ruts, alfas go through ruts normally like omegas go through heat"

"B-but I nev-"

"Never gone through a rut until you layed eyes on your mate?" He cut me off for the third time pissing me off and I growled showing that making him put his hands up and smile.

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