Asshole (coach smoker)

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This was a eather/or request and I thought why not do this too seeing as how I didn't do one with our lovely captain yet

"LISTEN HERE YOU ASSHOLE" I barged into the sports coaches office more pissed off then I've ever been.

"IM SICK AND TIRED OF YOUR FAVORITISM BULLSHIT" I yelled at him as I slammed my hands on his desk so he would look at me instead of the crap on his desk.

"How many times do I have to tell you to watch the language I/n" he spoke unbothered, not removing the two cigars from his mouth that the school tells him he shouldn't do, AND HE STILL WASN'T FUCKING LOOKING AT ME.

"And how many times do I have to tell you, LOOK AT ME WHEN YOU'RE TALKING ASSHOLE" I grabbed his papers and threw them behind me.

That made him sigh heavily and sit back in his chair as he looked at me with his stern board face.

"'Whats your problem now I/n, I have important things to do besides listen to your tantrum" I clenched my fists as my face turned red in anger.

"Why did you cancel our tournament tor the fucking basketball team to have the gym coach smoker" he closed his eyes and pinch the bridge of his nose.

"Is that really what this is about"

"Is ThAt ReAlLy WhAt This Is AbOUT, ITS THE THIRD TIME THIS MOUTH AND IM SICK OF YOUR SHIT EXCUSES" I repeated him in a mocking tone and yelled at him as I knock the trophy he had for coaching basketball.

"I will not have you ruin my volleyball scholarship because you have a sweat spot for basketball, I WORKED TOO FUCKING HARD FOR THIS JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER GIRLS ON MY TEAM" he was looking at the trophy on the floor since I knocked it over. He stood up and picked up the trophy that was in two broken pieces now.

"Look at what you've done now-"

"Serves you right for being an as-" he slammed the base of the broken trophy on his desk making me flinch.

"I wasn't done.... you want to know why I keep canceling your games I/n? It's because you girls are terrible at volleyball-"

"Thats a lie, we won every game we g-" he was slowly walking closer to me as we spoke making me step back a little everytime I could feel his body heat. When I cut him off again he clenched his jaw and slammed the top half of the trophy on his desk breaking that one in half making me jump.

"Will you just fucking shut up. Yes, you win, but you.... you don't follow anything I say." he took one cigar from his mouth and put it out in the ashtray on the corner of his desk, he didn't look away from me as he did it.

"You have to fight me in everything that I tell you girls to do-" he put the second one out making me turn my head confused as to why he was putting them out.

"I don't see wh-" he grabbed my jaw and made me face him, he was gripping my jaw so hard it made me wince in his hand. It was so big compared to my face.

"Didn't I tell you to stop talking y/n, I dont even wright up game plans anymore. It's not the restMof the girls. it's just you... you piss me off so fucking much" I found that my back was against the wall and he lifted me up to be eye level with him. I was gripping his wrist and forearm with both my hands in fear that he would drop me.

"And yet you keep coming in here and continue to piss me off. You want to play, you want to have a game, how about you be a good girl and do what coach tells you to do" I did my best to pull as stern face since he still was holding mine face.

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