Onii-Chan (shy ace)

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A word used in replacement for the male friends name whom you drool over so dearly. In Japanese, Onii-chan means older brother, and is a title of respect and in some cases, resentment. Just to clarify if you don't already know, but ace and luffy are not blood Brothers. In this story you are luffys twin sister by blood.

I was laying on the deck of the going marry with my black hat over my face to block the sun from my eyes as luffy was talking about his "brother' to the crew. I hate hearing that, but I am not going to explain to luffy why I refuse to call ace my brother. He just thinks I'm mad at him for always chasing me around when we were kids and catching me, making me stay in his lap to tell him why I hate him. I dont hate him, I could never hate him, but I never answered him every time he would catch me.

"Who can take me little brother" I hear aces voice and my body stiffened. I haven't seen or heard his voice for so long, its like it got smother. They were talking some more about how ace is such a cool brother and how they wish they had a caring captain like that. That made me click my tongue, luffy is so caring, he's just an idiot.

"Ok I can get why luffy didn't tell us he had an older brother, but y/n why didn't you tell us he was your brother"

"Because he's not my brother" I said as I sat up and stood adjusting my hat so it was back on the top of my head. My black hair that matches luffys falling down my back and my boobs falling back down to rest in my dress shirt that I have pulled up and tied together below my boobs acting as my bra as well, showing off a lot of skin. I dusted some of the pebbles that were stuck to my short shorts off my butt as I made my way to the kitchen that everyone was standing infront of.

"I'ts nice to see you after so long n/n" ace said with a little sad smile.

"I see you're not dead yet" I grabbed the handle to the door and turned to look at him. His hair grew out some and he had a bigger stronger build then last time I saw him.

"Which is surprising considering how you fall asleep all the time, a pleasant surprise at that" I gave him a side smile as I then walked into the kitchen.

"Sanji, weren't you suppose to make food" he came running after me with heart eyes.

"I'Il making anything for you y/n my sweet angle"

"MARIE SHIPS" usopp yelled having sonji run back out.

"'Il protect you my dear" he said making me huff.

I went to walk back out to sink the ships with my devil fruit.

"FIRE FIST" I heard ace yell as all the ships were broken apart by a massive fireball. Show off. He came back over to the ship rather quickly as everyone was saying how strong ace is, luffy just giggled. I stomped my foot with a pout as I whined.

"Sonjiii I'm hungryyyy" sonji spun around and went into the kitchen with heart eves.

"'Yes my love, ill make a feast for you"

"YES FOOD COME ON ACE" luffy yelled and drug ace a little behind him.

"Awsome I'm starving"


We were all eating with ace and luffy digging in like crazy. I was eating a little slower due to my sower mood. Luffy reached his hand close to my dish and I stabbed his hand with my fork.

"Come near my food again and ill bite you" he brought his hand back yelling about how I stabbed him and it hurt.

"'You know not to try and touch her food, did you forget what she would do when we were little and you would take her food"

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