?needed? (Soft mihawk)

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I don't speak Spanish, I used Google translate for this. I'm sorry if its not right, I tried my best.

It's not like I was invited to stay here. I was shipwrecked on this island, the only survivor of my crew. After fighting my way through monkeys, I got to the castle. I didn't know it was mihawks home, nor did I expect him to bring me to a bathroom, put fresh clothes out for me, or to tell me that that bathroom and the room connected to it would be my own. I wasn't allowed to go outside due to barely making it past the monkeys the first time. I thought he wanted me to stay because he liked my company or something.

After a few months of it just being me and him, I found myself falling in love with the cold man. I wanted him, I needed him. So one day when he was in his throne like chair reading I climbed on his lap. He glanced at me before going back to reading, he didn't say anything. When I moved his book and started to kiss his neck, he didn't say anything. When I looked into his eyes and grinded my hips on his, he didn't say anything. When I got on my knees and started to suck him, he didn't say anything. When I slid him into me and started to ride him, he didn't say anything. He didn't touch me, he just watched me. He didn't make a sound, he didn't move his body, he didn't kiss me back. He didn't tell me to keep going, but he didn't tell me to stop. He would have made me stop if he didn't want me too right? He would have told me not to bother with doing it more times with him after that if he didn't want it right?

That's what I thought when it was just me and him. A few months ago this girl named Perona came here, then a guy named zoro not long after.

He didn't tell them to leave, but he didn't tell them to stay... just like when I came. He let them do whatever... just like me. It made me wonder if I ever really had a place in his heart at all. I would tell him I loved him, he wouldn't say it back, just hum or say good. Sometimes he would say likewise or nothing at all. He wouldn't hug me, he wouldn't kiss me. It always was me coming to him for sex and him just letting me do whatever. Would he let anyone just do that. The longer that the girl and guy stayed the more that I thought about it. I don't want to be a nuisance to him like they are. I don't want to leave him, but I can't just be here knowing that he just let's me do that cuz I want too. That he doesn't need me like I need him. When I started to feel like that I asked him if I could have a sword I found. He said yes cuz he didn't recognize it so it wasn't important to him. Seems fitting that I would have it right. I trained a little more with it. Now I feel ready, well I don't feel ready but I can hold my own better now. So Its time for me to stop Being one of his problems. He was reading in the living space with zoro and Perona in the space as well doing... Whatever. I had a bag with a few clothing items in it and the sword at my side as I made my way to the door.

"Where are you going" he asked when I made it halfway across the room.

"I haven't decided yet" even with already making the decision, my feet were heavy.

"'Hmmmm... when will you be back" I made it to the door now and had my hand on the elegant knob.

"I won't be..." it was almost a whisper as I forced that out. I heard his book close and could feel his eyes on me. The room was unbearably quiet, zoro and perona not daring to make a sound as they looked back and forth from me to mihawk. I didn't dare to move from my spot or even open the door.

"What...." I didn't expect him so ask that, or even say it so quietly. The tone was like if you were shocked that someone struck you. It was enough to make my eyes burn.

"I won't be coming back mihawk" I could hear the slight strain in my voice.

"Come on zoro, I need to show you something" Perona spoke as zoro grumbled about wanting it not to be more of her stuffed animal... things. Once the click clack of their boots were out of ear shot he started to speak.

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