Birthday wish (Mihawk & shanks threeway)

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So this wasn't requested but because it is my actual birthday, june 20th, I thought why not do something spicy with my two favorite daddys. I also got a request for this after I started writing it so that was pretty funny.

"ITS TIME TO PARTY MIHAWK, GET OFF YOUR ASS" my captain yelled as the crew ran into his mansion with booze, food, and all the other things for a party. Mihawk was sitting in a chair reading, like always.

"Get out of my house red hair, why are you here" he said without looking up from the book. I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled my face into his.

"Cuz I wanted too, and look I brought your favorite bottle of wine just for you" he still didn't raze his head to look at any of us as I lifted the bottle in my hand and the crew made his home more fitting of a birthday party.

"And get out, I dont have time to deal with you people" I took his book and put it on the dinning table infront of him as I sat across his lap holding the bottle to myself.

"You wouldn't be so heartless as to throw out your dear old friend on her birthday no less when she had to do a lot of begging to see you.

Mihawk is too much of a gentleman to do that right shanks"

"Thats right y/n" shanks lifted his mug up in the air as he answered me. Mihawk just looked at me before he closed his eyes and turned his head to the side sighing.

"Fine.. I didn't know it was your birthday" I gasped and held a hand to my chest as I got off his lap.

"You forgot My birthday, you don't get this wine. It's too good for you"

"Give me the wine"

"Make me hawky" he gave me his intimidating look as he uncrossed his legs. Shanks came over and hooked his arm around me as he brought over two mugs.

"Play nice with the birthday girl mihawk" he laughed as he ruffled my hair as mihawk rolled his eyes and rested his head on his hand looking out the window.

"Is there anything else the birthday girl wants" shanks said as he brought me into his chest as he hugged me. I blushed as I looked at him, then at mihawk and bit my lip. I got on my tip toes and whispered in shanks ear.

"Really now, alright I'm in. But you have to convince him" shanks laughed as he jestured to mihawk with his mug making said man look at us and arch his eyebrow.


"Mi mi mi mi mihawk, move faster I need to talk to youHHH0000" I sang as I ran down the halls going to his bedroom. Mihawk was walking so slowly after me with shanks walking at his side.

"What is she on about" he complained in his emotionless voice like he always does.

"You didn't have to follow her" shanks laughed.

"I would rather her not destroy my home since everyone else is passed out" shanks laughed again as he pat mihawks back.

"Come on, you two are soo0o slowwwww. You're not THAT old" I yelled with my head sticking out the doorway of his bedroom. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN OLD" shanks yelled making me laugh/ scream as I ran back in the room. Shanks came in the room followed by mihawk a little after having shanks close the door. Mihawk stood in front of me not seeing that shanks closed the door behind him.

"What do you need to talk to me about" I grabbed his hand and pulled him to his bed as I turned away from him to face shanks.

"Sit sit sit, I want to talk about your birthday present to me" I winked at shanks before I turned to face mihawk again.

one piece x reader one shot lemons (take two)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz