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Today is my fast day, so I did eat breakfast. I did sleep in this morning, because I didn't have school today. But I did wake up at 8:30 to go for a run/walk. Since I don't feel like doing a whole workout. I plan to go for another walk after lunch since I have nothing else to do and that my brother wants to go.

lunch: whole grain flatbread, cheese, pepperoni, and pizza sauce
Cals: 640

I broke my fast with 2 homemade pizzas and they really suited my hunger. Anytime I crave pizza, I make my own with tortilla shells or flatbread. It tastes the same, except pizza is usually greasy.

dinner: chili dogs, chili cheese fries
Cals: 685

This meal was unhealthy, but I did enjoy my meal. I didn't care if I had two hotdogs and fries with chili and cheese. I did fast for 8 hours, so I was hungry and it was quick.

snack: Swiss rolls, pineapple
Cals: 360

    I was active throughout the day, I was cleaning my room, because I'm moving in March. So I wanted to clean it out so it's much easier to pack and I'd have less to pack. Plus I did a few chores throughout the day and fasted for 8 hours after my snack. I ended up having dinner at 7, because my dad wanted to make dinner for us, since we're celebrating Christmas this weekend with him.

Total calories: 1, 685

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