Love, Fear, and the Start of a Bloodshed

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I just want to give a shoutout to @skystxr from @mikefilmstrat

Your P.O.V

The four of them look at you with expressions of shock. There emotions soon all change to something other than the shock from the news. Freddy looks at you with this kind smile and happy eyes. You start to feel more confident about the pregnancy. You glance over at Chica who is practically buzzing with excitement. You can see how she is bouncing on her heels, full of excitement. You turn around to face Foxy, forgetting about Bonnie at the moment. Foxy eyes are watering. He has this happy smile on his face as he looks at you. You start to tear up as his tears start to fall down his face. Your emotions take over and you run over and hug him tightly. He immediately returns the hug.

"Are he really pregnant lass?"

"I'm pretty sure. It all makes sense. I'll go out and get a test later just to make sure."


You take your face out of Foxy's neck and look up to be greeted with a death stare from Bonnie across the room. When he notices that he is looking at you, his expression softens as he looks at you. He gives you a genuine smile which makes you smile.

'Maybe he actually forgot about the past. Maybe things will be better now.'

You couldn't have been more wrong. (Well you have been, you just don't know it yet) a ripping pain erupts in your stomach. You let go of Foxy and start clutching your stomach from the pain. You stagger backwards as the pain continues to rip through your stomach. Hands grab you carefully and hold you up to make sure you don't fall. You look up and see that the person is Bonnie.

'How the hell did he get all the way over here so fast? Weird'

You look at Foxy who looks terrified, as he stands frozen in front of you. You feel puke rising up, and you open your mouth and puke onto the floor, covering both Bonnie and your feet in blood.

'Wait, blood? What's going on?'

The world around you seems to slow down. You hearing seems to dull and all you can hear is a dull static. You slowly fall down to the floor, you hands slipping in the blood on the floor. You look up and see Bonnie saying something, but you can't hear anything. You watch his lips move in an almost trance like state. Another wave a pain rips through your stomach, causing you to scream your lungs out and break the silence that had settled on you.

All at once you can hear all the sounds around you. Bonnie is above you shouting your name over and over again to try and catch your attention. You can hear Chica bawling her eyes out somewhere behind your head with Freddy trying to calm her down. Foxy is just making these weird hiccuping noises from where he is frozen in fear still. You look up at Bonnie lazily and give him a weak smile. You lift you arm up, which feels heavy with lead. You vision is slowly fading to black as you look up at his face. You bring your hand up to his cheek and lightly pat it with the little energy you have left.

"Bye Bye Bunny"

You give him a last lazy smile as your arm falls back down beside you and your vision fades away to black as you slip out of consciousness.

So, you guys want the next part tonight? If you do I need to know. If 7 people tell me to make another chapter in the next hour and a half or so. I'll make the next chapter tonight and post it. If not, you will have to wait a week or so because after today I'm updating my Bonnie book next. So better make your decision quick. That's all Little Foxes!!!! I'll see you all in the next chapter. Whenever that will be.

Falling For You Sequel to Falling For FoxyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora