A Foxes Love (Lemon)

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Please no hate. I got a little bit last time I posted a lemon and I almost didn't write this one but a certain someone convinced me enough to write this one as well. So you guys are lucky that I told her about it otherwise this wouldn't be happening.

Your P.O.V

"Foxy are you sure this is a good idea." You say as you break away from the kiss.

"Of course it is lass. Me made a promise and me going to keep it." He replies, hovering above your body which is sinking deeper into the couch.

"But we aren't exactly dating." You tell him.

"The second ye walked back into the pizzeria, ye were mine and no one else's lass." He says with a wild glint in his eyes.

"If we are going to do this then, can we at least go to a room? That's all I need is that creep or even Goldy to walk in and see us." You ask hesitantly.

He just smiles and rolls off the couch and onto the floor. You are soon being picked up and carried towards the stairs.

"Yer room be up there lass?"

You nod your head in agreement and Foxy slowly climbs the stairs being careful as to not drop you on the way up. You Eros your arms tightly around his neck not wanting to fall. He reaches the top of the stairs and stops.

"Which door lass?"

"Far left."

Foxy smiles and walks towards your room. He pushes inside and closes the door with his foot behind the two of you. You take one arm from around his neck and lock the door just in case you get any unwanted visitors. Once the door is locked, you wrap arm around his neck again and hold on to him again. You feel yourself being lowered down onto your bed.

Soon, you're surrounded by your blankets and pillows with Foxy hovering inches above you. You look into his golden yellow eyes and once again melt into them like the first time you saw them. The longer you stare into his golden eyes, the more you lose control of yourself. You slowly push yourself up and connect the two of your lips together. You keep yourself propped up so you're able to kiss him, but soon that's not a problem. Foxy puts his weight on you gently, pushing you back into the bed without breaking the kiss. You smile as you feel the pressure of him surrounding you along with the bed.

You can feel a hand slowly caress your side and slowly slide up your shirt. You wrap your arms tightly around his neck to deepen the kiss. You feel his other hand creep up the other side of your shirt. He breaks the kiss and pulls your shirt over your head and throws it somewhere to the side of the two of you. You take you chance and take his shirt off as well making you somewhat even. Foxy's eyes cloud with lust as he roughly kisses you again. You wrap your arms tightly around his neck to deepen the kiss.

Soon, you feel his tongue glide across your lips. You smile as you slightly open your mouth and feel a warm, wet tongue push past your lips. You push your tongue forward to greet his. He pushes his tongue against yours and the fight for dominance begins. You both push the others tongues back and forth. In the end you give up wanting to see what Foxy will do if he has dominance over you. You can feel his smile once you stop fighting against him. You feel his tongue glide around your mouth and explore. As his tongue explores your mouth, you feel his hand snake around to your back and unclip your bra with a bit of difficulty. You take your arms from around his neck so he can take your bra off all the way. Soon your breasts are exposed and pressed against Foxy's bare chest.

He pulls away from the kiss and begins to kiss down your jaw, all the way to your breasts. He starts to gently suck on one of them and uses his hand to fondle the other one. Small moans escape your lips as he starts to suck a bit harder and harder, sending waves of pleasure throughout your body. He switches to the other to make sure that both of your breasts get the same treatment. You can feel yourself getting wetter the longer he continues. You soon become impatient, so as he is still sucking on your breasts, you take your hands and start taking off his pants. You can feel his smile on your breast as you do and he takes his mouth off of your breast and starts to take off your pants. He sits up straddling you as he takes your pants off, leaving you in nothing but your panties. Soon even that's not there. Seconds after your pants are on the floor, he hooks his fingers in your panties and in one swift motion has them off and on the floor as well, leaving you completely naked underneath Foxy who has a wild look in his eyes and a devilish grin on his face.

You feel a hand trace up your leg and become close to your lady parts. You soon feel a finger rubbing them slowly, teasing you with every stroke. The finger is slowly pushed inside you, making you squirm around in discomfort. You shut your eyes tightly as the discomfort becomes worse. It slowly starts to be pumped and soon the discomfort fades away into pleasure. You start to moan as the pleasure over rides your body's senses. A second finger is added only making the experience twice as good. You start to moan louder and louder as the fingers get pumped faster. You soon feel empty inside as they are taken out. You open your eyes to see Foxy, taking his pants off revealing his member.

He takes his hands and spreads your legs apart, giving himself full access to you. He then gets on his hands and knees, positioning himself in front of your entrance. He looks up at you, looking for your approval to continue. You nod your head and he then slowly starts to push himself inside you. You close your eyes tightly from the sudden stretching that happens. The pressure stops and you open your eyes to see Foxy looking at you with a worried look on his face.

"Are ye alright Lass?" He asks worriedly.

"Yes. I was just adjusting is all. You can start moving now." You tell him.

He nods and starts to slowly move himself in and out. Soon any pain is gone and all you can feel is pleasure racing throughout your body. He continues with a slow steady rhythm that gets you moaning softly moaning underneath him. He starts to pick up his pace, making you moan louder the faster he goes. He starts to breath heavily and you can feel him stiffening inside of you. He keeps picking up his pace and soon he's going so fast that you are practically yelling in pleasure beneath him. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer to your climax and you already can tell that Foxy is getting close as well.

"F-Foxy I'm-m a-almost t-there."

"Me t-too l-lass."

He thrusts in a couple more times and you moan loudly as you cum. Seconds later you feel Foxy release inside you. He pulls himself out afterwards and collapses beside you panting hard.

"I love ye lass."

"I love you too Foxy."

He smiles and pulls the blankets over the two of you. You then snuggle into his chest and soon fall asleep. A few minutes after, Foxy falls asleep smiling and holding you close to him.

Your Personal Stalkers P.O.V

I sigh as I hear Y/N scream out as she climaxes. I push myself off the wall and head back downstairs and sit on the couch. 'Damn it all to hell. That God damn Puppet's plan might actually work. Only thing I can hope is that it somehow back fires on him. Maybe Y/N will figure out that he's trying to kill her and that he killer is actually her biological father. If she does though doesn't mean she won't die. If she figures it out and manages to save herself and convince that puppet that he's her actual dad, she will still die. I'll just kill her. She's living proof that my 'wife' cheated on me. And with a God damn animatronic no less. Doesn't make matters better that she ends up falling for an animatronic as well. Not to mention the fact that the go damn wounds he gave back at the pizzeria are still healing. I'm surprised that he didn't notice my make up rubbing off as we fought. That's all I needed at that point is for him to notice that my skin as actually not a normal colour. I don't think that there's many people in the world who have pale purple skin. Now that I think of it o should go hide my birth certificate. That's all I need is for her to find out my real name is Vincent. Though it would be kind of funny to see her reaction at that. Oh well, I'll leave it. Not like it's going to help her that much. I should probably leave though. That's all I need is for one of them to walk down the stairs and see me chilling on the couch. I wonder if Y/N knows this is the couch I tried to rape her mom on. So many things that she doesn't know about this house or me for that matter. Next time we meet will definitely will not be a day she will not forget. Fuck I really need to leave now. Maybe I can go find some chick in an alleyway.' I smile at the thought as I push myself off the couch and walk out the front door with my hands in my pockets.

This chapter is dedicated to my dear Little Lamb. Who seriously makes me want to write the entire book in one day. Also, the contest has been postponed. My contest official is unable to complete it at the moment so you guys will just have to wait a bit longer for it. On the happier side of things, you guys should be getting more frequent updates because I'm on Easter holidays right now. So I have lots of time to write and stuff. Another thing I'm going to say is I'm going to from now on update my books as to popular demand. So if you want a certain book to be updated, you better tell me and get other people to tell me to update it soon. That's all my Little Foxes, I'll see you in the next chapter!!!!!!

Falling For You Sequel to Falling For FoxyWhere stories live. Discover now