"Get you something?" The woman behind the counter asks.

"Yeah. Four waters, por favor." Dean tells her and she nods, starting to pour the waters. "Hey, uh..." He trails off.

"Evie." She informs.

"Evie. Say, listen, if, uh, me and my family here wanted to get ourselves a game...?" Dean asks.

"Pax. Three more for ya." Evie calls and a man, Pax, walks over.

"Hey, you remember a guy who was in here a few weeks ago? Uh, name was Leonard?" Sam asks.

"No. Sorry." Evie walks off.

"Follow me." Pax tells them group and they do so. "So, how'd you guys find us?"

"Uh, a friend." Sam says.

"Did your, uh, friend say how we wager?" Pax asks.

"Yeah, listen, uh, money's a little tight right now." Dean says.

"Yeah, we don't bet with money." Pax states. He opens a box and takes out a coin. "We use this." He puts the coin on the desk, sliding it across to them.

"Okay. What are we looking at?" Sam asks.

"Go ahead. Touch it." Pax says.

The thee adults exchange looks, none of them really wanting to risk it. Dean reaches out and puts two fingers on the coin. A green light shimmers from the coin for a few moments before disappearing and Dean takes his hand away.

"Not great. Not the worst, either." Pax says.

"And that means...?" Dean asks.

"Well, you see, everybody walks in here with a certain amount of luck. That glow... that's you. About average." Pax says.

"Yeah, that sounds about right." Dean says.

"But you set that coin on that table, you get yourself a game." Pax points to the pool table behind them. "And you win? You might just see your fortune improve."

"And if he loses?" Sam asks.

"Play again. Have a good time. You know, keep playing. But if the coin goes blank, that means you're out of luck. You gotta leave. Questions?" Pax asks.

"Yeah. What is this place? Who owns it?" Sam asks.

"I just work here. Look, if you don't like it, door's open." Pax says, sitting down.

"When I win, can I split it? The luck?" Dean asks.

"It's yours. You do what you want." Pax says.

"Yeah. Uh, just give us a second. Thanks." Sam drags them away. "No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. No way."

"Man, I've been slinging pool cues since before you were born." Dean says.

"What? When you were four? Really? What, between nap time and snack?" Sam remarks making Larissa snicker.

"Look, we barely made it out of that monster fight club, okay? We need this. And you know it. Now, look, you're better than me at pretty much everything, okay? That's okay. I'm not mad. I'm proud. But I can wipe the floor with you when it comes to pool."

Sam scoffs before sighing and nodding.

"Good. All right." Dean goes back to Pax. "Okay, pal. Let's give it a go."

~ ~ ~

Dean circles the table as he holds a pool cue in his hand.

"So, how long are we supposed to just wait around?" Sam asks, keeping his arms wrapped around Athena's shoulders protectively.

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