chapter 1

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Hana's pov:

I was watching the match of Portugal vs Morocco at the time. I'm Moroccan and right then I was on the first seats of the stadium. I was all on my nerves at the seventies minutes while the Portuguese players had the ball under their control. Even if we were winning by 1_0 but still we weren't able to huff in comfort before the last second of the match.
Our players were trying hard, Saiss had already get out because of his injury and the footballers were getting tired by the time. The goalkeeper Bono managed to keep his goal clean but most of the shoots were stopped by the barrier which was by God's grace alhamdu lillah.
Pepe was now trying to get to our zone, which Ziyech, my celebrity crush and love, was trying to stop him with all the strength he got. 📢🔔📢🔔
📢🔔, that's when the referee announced a mistake, seeing Ziyech on the ground gripping forcefully on his arm. Yea, he got injured.
Don't do it Hana, don't do anything, they will just catch you, stop thinking this way.
I tried to convince myself to not do anything but seeing him suffer just made my heart clench, so I did it anyways.
I jumped off of the seat and to the terrain, catching the guards off of guard haha. I ran towards Hakim, thankfully he wasn't really afar from my seat so I got to get to him quickly, with the bodyguards running behind me trying to catch me.
I arrived to him, kneeling down immediately to his level, analysing his injury careful of not hurting him, as he looked at me with a questioning look with his pretty cute eyes- stoop and focuse Hana. You should be able to help him right now even if he doesn't know you.
The guards got to me and tried to take me back but I didn't let them touch me. "DON'T! don't even get your hands on me" I threatened.
They got surprised by my reaction and backed away a bit, but then they saw the medical group coming so they grabbed my arm and tried again.
How can they know.... that I have the second black grade on taekwondo. Hah time to use it for real.
I grabbed one of the three man by his arm and flipped him on the air, making him fall on his back, then kicked the second one on his head so he fell unconscious too. The third one was a little tall, but I somehow managed to punch him a few times on the stomach, not as hard to harm him but just to make him black out for a minute or two. All that in just one minute and then I knelt down and noticed that his arm was probably broken. The medical group just arrived, so I told them "hey, he had probably break his arm, it's already getting tense so you should hurry and take him to the scanner!" I Exclaimed rapidly. "And who even are you? Get out of our way" one of them said disrespectfully. "A professional general doctor, I have the doctora? So just do what I tell you" I showed him my national work identity with a serious look on my face.
I turned my gaze towards Ziyech to find him looking at me with an expression I couldn't understand. "Aren't you in pain? Why are you looking at me with this expression?" I asked none-consiously. "I'm suffering yes, but I'm wondering who are you and what are you trying to do" he answered directly while the equipment lifted him with the ___________
"let her come sir Regragui" ziyech demanded to the coach of the moroccan national team as we came near the entrance. "But you don't know what is she planning to do, if she wants to harm you" he spoke. "Don't worry about that, I'm safe in all the ways so just let it be" he informed as Walid just nodded his head to the equipment who continued their way to the scanner room.
It was the first time I enter to such a place, big surfaces and rooms everywhere "woaah, that's too big, I can live in just one of those rooms" I Exclaimed surprisedly. "Haven't you been in an under terrain before?" Ziyech asked as we walked to I don't know where exactly. "Nah, I just saw it on TV shows or something, never been in one before" I said as I shook my head. "That's weird, at first you seemed like you did that a lot in __matches___, you ran like a crazy chicken back then, and then you beated three bodyguards *laughs* that's not something we see every day" he said while laughing comfortably at my actions. I blushed a bit realising what I did, however, I'm not regretting it, I'm purely happy, so freaking happy that I'm talking to ziyech!! My only love! My dream is becoming real!

End of chap 1:
February 23, 2023

To be continued.

Doctor And Footballer (Ziyech x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now