Part ✨28✨

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Aaliyah POV

Kay is standing next to my hospital bed, he looks really nervous and I am too. The doctor comes into my room.

„Hello ms. Williams, I'm really sorry to tell you this but you had a miscarriage."

I look at Kay with tears in my eyes, he just storms out the room. I couldn't hold my tears back anymore and started crying.

„We'll remove everything now if that's okey with you."

I just nod and they did everything they needed to do, after they are finished i go out my room and look around for Kay but I couldn't find him anywhere.

Is he mad at me or sum? I mean it's not my fault. I was too tired to just think about talking with him so I just called Rihanna and told her to come pick me up.

„Heyyy what the fuck happened why where you at the hospital everything good? You don't look good. And where is Kay?" she says not letting me talk.

„Rihanna calm down please I'm getting a bad headache and I'm tired." i say looking out the window and getting tears again.

„Why are you crying?"

„Aaliyah why are you crying wrd2 if Kay did anything I'll-"

„I lost the baby." i said not looking at her just to shut her up.

„Oh..." i guess she finally got that I don't want to talk cause now it's silent.

When we arrived at our crib I straight up went into my room and started to break down.

Why the fuck does shit like that keep happening to me? Why can't I be happy? When I'm finally happy for once in my fucking live something bad happens.

I really don't wanna live like this..

„Hey aali.." Rihanna says knocking on my door while coming in.

„Why can't I be happy without something bad happening?"

No answer.

She sits down next to me and puts her hand on my shoulder.

„Aaliyah i don't know.."

„Is it my fault?"

„What? No! Don't ever say that again Aaliyah it's not yo fault fuck you talking about? Shit like that happens okey Aaliyah but it's never ever yo fault. I know it's sad I'm not telling you to stop crying but don't blame yourself."

„I don't know.."


„Kay isn't even calling me or nothing I think he's mad at me."

„No he ain't i think he just also needs time for himself."

„But i also lost the baby. I want him with me right now, i need his comfort I appreciate you but he's my boyfriend he is.. or was the father of my unborn child and I need him right now, i fucking need his hug his comfort but no he ain't with me.." i say getting irritated and crying. 

„I don't know what's wrong with him but I really think Kay is a person who wants to be sad alone." Rihanna says trying to defend him.

„I guess.."

„When did that even happen?"

„Today.. there was a shooting everything was going so fast, he was trying to shoot Kay and he shot back we got into the car and I was just shaking my heart was beating fast and next thing I know I was bleeding and then.." i sigh.

„I really can't be fucking happy without something bad happening."

„Don't say that aali."

„It's the truth." Rihanna sighs.

I really need Kay right now where the fuck is he? It's not like I'm the only one who lost the baby, he also lost it i wanna be there for him too and I want him to be here for me but I guess he got other plans.

             Kay pov

„Yoo Kay chill out."

I hear Dougie say while Im throwing things around in my room, I'm mad and I'm sad and that is not good for my bipolar ass i cant handle those emotions alone and now I have to handle them together.

„What's wrong Kay?"

„She lost it." i say kicking my door.




„Woah okey hold on Kay calm down, where is Aaliyah now?"

„Idk i guess at her crib."

„You guess? Fuck you mean you guess."

„Man leave me the fuck alone as soon I heard the news I had to get outta there and left." i say sitting down drinking sum water with my pills to calm me down. After that I lit my blunt and smoke.

„shit man." he says getting on his phone.

„Yo is Aaliyah home? ... ight just wanted to know. She tell you what happened? ... mm ight Kay is at our crib he destroyed everything in this bitch I'm trying to calm him down he took his pills... i don't know... ight hold on." he looks at me.


„Aaliyah says she needs you."

„Tell her im on my way."

„tell her he's on his way now."

I get up and I get into my car, right when I wanted to drive I see Dougie running towards the car.

„Mofucker why you ain't telling me you out already I wanted to come with you." Dougie says getting in the car.


Excuse any mistakes.

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I don't like this chapter but anyway what y'all think?

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