Chapter 21 Anger and Questions

Start from the beginning

It reminded you of the time when you were left alone back in the underground. Now that you think about it, why did they turn you into this monster you are today? What were their goals? Most importantly, out of all the people in the world, why you?




"Is there something wrong young Y/N?"

You look up to see All Might, in his skinny form. All Might was the retired number 1 hero of Japan after a brutal fight against a villain. Now he's dedicated the rest of his life to teaching the next generation of heroes. Moreover, he's now skinny as a skeleton and has no juice left to fight.

"No." You replied. "Just watching."

"Why don't you go and help your classmates?" All Might questioned. He sat down next to you against the concrete wall.

"I know nothing about any of that stuff. I'm still 11."

"Biologically you're 11."

"I KNOW OK!!" You yelled, throwing your hands in the air. All Might was shocked at the sudden outburst.

"Woh there! Sorry, didn't mean to upset you."

"I was already upset, idiot."




"Sorry!" You realised what you just said. "I-I didn't mean too! I-It just came out!"

"No, it's ok." All Might reassured. "Everyone gets angry from time to time. Might I ask, what are you angry about?"

"...I don't know, it's just this...annoying, itchy feeling...I hate it."

"Did someone hurt you?"

"I think so. I just...want to find them, tear their body apart, make them endure the pain I had to deal with for the PAST 4 YEARS!!!!"

"Woh calm down Y/N!"

"FOUR!!! YEARS!!! I'VE BEEN ALONE FOR FOUR, LONG, GODDAMN, YEARS!!!!" You slammed your claw into the ground, cracking it and creating a small crater.

You stopped, your fist was huge. Quickly realising what just happened, you turned it away back to your hand whilst looking up around the gym. You classmates stopped what they're doing, now they're staring at you. What did you do? Why did you suddenly become angry?



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