
398 8 32

Requested by: Caeserissohot

HEY SO uh reader is black, and I'd like to say as someone who's ghost white, Idk if this is offensive. I followed the request, and I hope I haven't written anything wrong, but it was so hard!


I slammed open the door, rushing inside the house. I knew he was upstairs, most likely drawing the upcoming chapter of his ongoing Manga. We didn't spend that much time together, as he was busy most of the time. Though, today was one of those days where I needed him.

"Rohannie...?" I lightly knocked on the door which stood wide open. My boyfriend sat crouched over his desk, busy in the middle of drawing. He gave a simple 'Hm?' as a reply, not turning around to notice the dark circles under my eyes.

I walked closer to him, pulling out a chair to sit next to him. When he worked, I had a tendency to sit and observe, not talking but just watching him work. I let out a sigh without thinking, and he stopped in the middle of drawing a line. He stared at me from the corner of his eye, noticing something was wrong to which he turned to me.

"What is it?" He asked with a frown. Not because he was upset, but more so because he wasn't the best at comforting.

"I was at work today, and..."


"...And my co-worker kept telling me not to touch her things. I offered to make her coffee, even to help her with her tasks. But she refused. She said I was dirty, and that a woman like me shouldn't be working when I looked... Dirty." I explained my day to him, eventually looking away. I felt embarrassed to cry in front of him, but looked back as I heard his pen slam to the table. Ink flooded onto his majestic drawing, ruining the piece of art he had worked so hard on. "Rohan! Your art!" I stood up, grabbing at some paper towels to try and wipe it away. For once, he carefully grabbed onto my hand, pushing me away from the desk.

"Y/N, you are not dirty." He said, looking at me with that intense gaze of his as he held onto my wrist. "I'll write it into your skin with Heaven's Door if I must, but I hope my words are enough."

"I- W-Well, I know it's not like that. I just can't help but feel like that's all people will ever see me as, dirty." He pulled me over to the couch by his window. Thoroughly, he placed me in front of it in a pose.

Without a single word, he began to position my body. My arms were places in different directions, my left knee bent slightly, my hips leaning a bit. He acted as if I was some kind of doll.

"Rohan, what are you doing? Do you seriously think I'll feel better like this?!" I didn't dare to move, but I still tried to scold him.


"Quiet, I'm gonna draw you." He said as he went to fetch a canvas and some pencils. He chose the case with the largest variation of pencils.

"Why?" I asked, furrowing my brows as he sat down on the couch.

"Because I want to show you how I see you." He simply said. "Now stand still."

"Fine..." I sighed. This wasn't how I wanted to spend my day. Honestly, I wished he could hug me and tell me I was beautiful or something.

Right away, the pencil flew over the canvas in a swift motion, creating an image of me in the most realistic way possible. He looked at it for a second, observing it before nodding with a sigh.

"What were you thinking about that made you create this expression?" He stood up and showed me the canvas. My body relaxed as I looked at the picture. It was as if I was staring at a mirror. The accuracy was perfect!

"It was nothing important." I told him, still having my eyes glued to the canvas.

"If it wouldn't be important, you wouldn't still be having that expression." He put away the canvas, getting closer to me. His face were inches from mine as he stared deeply into my soul. "Tell me."

"I wanted a hug." I sounded like a kid, but it was the truth. His eyelids fluttered as if he was bothered by it. He wasn't a hugger, he wasn't gonna hug me.

Yet still, he did.

He placed his arms around me, pressing my body to his. He didn't necessarily move, but he held me there. It took me a second to realize what was going on before putting my arms around him as well. The room fell silent, and at first, I could only hear his slow breaths. That was, until he whispered in my ear.

"You're beautiful." He told me.

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