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Requested by: No one

F/F: Favorite Flower

This one sucks a bit but I love Kakyoin so I'll post it anyway.


"So then I told him I wasn't going to do it." I told him everything about my day, but as usual, Jotaro just grunted in response. He and I were best friends, and I trusted him. Yet, sometimes the silence between us was deafening.

We were on our way to meet up with Kakyoin. An exchange student who had turned up along side Jotaro after he went missing for nearly two months. From the second I saw him, I developed a small crush on him. I was pretty sure he didn't feel the same way, but I still got so happy every time I saw him. He began hanging out with us at school, singe he only knew Jotaro. The swarm of girls that usually just followed Jotaro dubbled after they heard about Kakyoin. It wasn't easy walking with them, but I just wanted to hang out with them whenever I could.

"There he is." Jotaro interrupted my thoughts and pointed to the large gate of the school. Kakyoin leaned his back on it, holding a large canvas in his hand.

"Hey, Kakyoin!" I called out and he gave me a large smile. "What's that?" I pointed to the canvas.

"Ah, just a little project I've been doing lately. Don't worry about it." Why would I worry about it? I ignored him and tried to take a peak at it, but he lifted it above his head, refusing to show me. "No peaking. Now let's get going." He said and started walking with Jotaro. He was being really confusing today.

"So, Kakyoin... How has your day been?" I asked when I realized neither of them were going to say anything.

"It's been great! I was planning to go to the park later to finish my painting. Would the two of you like to join me?"

"No." Jotaro answered.

"Ye- What? Why not Jotaro? Anyway, yes I'd like to join you, Kakyoin."

"Great! Then you can be the first to see it once it's finished." He said and winked at me. My cheeks felt a bit warm, and I looked away to make sure he didn't notice me blush.


Jotaro parted with us as we walked in a different direction to the park, and I kept trying to take a glance at the canvas.

"Hey! You're not trying to look are you?"

"What? How dare you accuse me of that?" I said with a hint of sarcasm, turning my head away to pretend to be mad.

"Come on, Y/N, don't be mad at me. It's just a surprise!" I instantly turned my head back.

"A surprise? Why? For me? Jotaro? For who?" He smiled at me again.

"You'll see. Oh, look!" He pointed to something next to the road. It was my F/F. I stopped and smelled them for a second.

"Oh, I love these so much! I didn't know they grew here!"

"You always stop to smell them, it's a bit cute actually." I looked back to him and smiled.


After reaching the park, Kakyoin began painting, but I wasn't allowed to see it yet so I sat on the grass in front of the canvas to look out over the park. There was a light breeze flowing through my hair, and I took in the soft smell of spring.

"Y/N?" I turned around and he had a large smile on his face. "It's done."

"Oh! Finally!" I ran over to take a look and was shocked to see the result. It was a detailed painting of my F/F. So detailed that it almost looked real.

"Do you like it?" I gave him a tight hug.

"Of course I do!" He hugged me back and I felt myself blush from my own actions, so I stepped away immediately. "Ah- Sorry..."

"Don't worry." He leaned down and gave me a kiss on my cheek. "I'm just happy you liked it."

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