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Requested by: Josuke's wife (me)

Josuke was my first JJBA crush and I've had this idea for like a month lol :)


I held a hand to the side of my torso. The blood was pouring out of me and I didn't know how much longer I had.

Josuke had told me about stand users, and how I didn't have to worry about it as long as I had him. While I couldn't see it, I did believe him. All those times he healed me to perfection or fixed things in just a few seconds. It was like magic, but how could I not believe him? He even told me about the arrow. The same arrow that had been used to stab me just now. If I didn't find Josuke, would I die...?

The streets were empty. As the rain was pouring down outside, the red liquid was slowly making its way down my leg as I made my way through the street. I didn't know if I'd make it all the way to his house, but I had to try. My body was screaming in pain, but I had to try at least.

There wasn't a single person in sight. If it was, maybe I'd be on my way to the hospital right now? Who am I kidding... I'm screwed! I've already lost so much blood, and I've only made it to the turtle pond... Maybe I should just give up.

I sat down on the edge of the pond, resting my body as the blood kept dripping on the ground. I was going to die, and my only company would be this turtle that crawled next to me.

I heard something in the distance. It took me a second to register, as my sight was getting more blurry. It sounded a bit like someone was yelling... Josuke? Could it be him? Was he looking for me? My consciousness was slowly slipping away from me, but if I was dying anyway, would it hurt? Would it hurt to try screaming his name? Would it hurt to try and fail? To die? I decided it was worth a shot. If anything, I'd either die or be saved. I was hoping for the later.

I gathered as much air in my lungs as I could, collecting all the energy I had left, and screamed his name.



The only sound that filled my ears was the rain hitting different surfaces. I hadn't been able to scream as loudly as I would have wanted to, but if he really was looking for me, maybe he had heard me anyway?

I looked up and closed my eyes. The rain hit my eyelids, almost making me smile a bit. I was going to die, I knew it. The last thing I'd be feeling would be the rain, and the last thing I'd be think of would Josuke Higashikata, my lovely boyfriend. My last words, will have been his name, and I'd be happy to know I'd live on in his memory. I was about to allow myself to walk into the light when I heard it, I heard footsteps. Someone was running towards me.

I opened my eyes and saw someone running in my direction. I couldn't see who it was due to the rain, but the slightest bit of hope returned when I heard him.

"Y/N!" It was Josuke. He heard me, and he was here. Even though it was raining, I knew there were tears running down my cheeks as I couldn't help but smile. As he got closer, he looked absolutely terrified, but I had never been happier to see him. I leaned forward and tried to stand up. All my energy was gone, so I ended up falling to the ground. Josuke reached me just a second later, embracing me in his arms. I closed my eyes and waited. I knew he'd save me, I knew I'd be okay, and I was right.

A few seconds later, I felt the blood disappear from my leg and the wound on my stomach didn't hurt anymore. I opened my eyes again, looking up to see Josuke crying his eyes out. The smile on my face was bigger than ever, as his tears fell on my face, mixing with mine.

"Josuke... You found me." My voice failed me, and my body still felt weak, but it didn't matter. Not now.

"Y/N, I- I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I couldn't be here to save you sooner." He was on his knees, holding my body to his as tightly as he could.

"But you did save me... And I'm alive thanks to you." His hand kept stroking my hair, and I let my head rest comfortably on his chest.

"I heard you. I heard you when you said my name. I was looking for you and just as I was about to give up, I heard you. I ran as fast as I could and then I saw you, all bloody and-" He cut himself off, trying to hold back his tears. I pressed myself away from him slightly, just enough so that I could look up at him.

"You saved me. I knew you would, Josuke." He smiled, and leaned down, pressing his lips against mine. He kissed me as if he thought I would slip out of his grasp any second. I let myself melt into the feeling of his lips against mine, before pulling away to catch my breath.

"I love you." I said and he smiled. The rain was getting lighter, and I could see the sun begin to poke out from the clouds.



"I hate to ruin the moment, but can we please get away from here?" He asked, looking a bit uncomfortable as he pointed to something. I noticed that it was one of the turtles, and I began laughing really hard.

"J-Josuke, you-" I couldn't even finish the sentence from laughing.

"Hey! It's not funny!" He shifted his body and I thought he was about to get up and leave me there on the ground, but I was wrong. In the middle of my laughing, he put his arms underneath my knees and torso, picking me up. I was so surprised I stopped laughing, completely forgetting about the turtle.

"Josuke? What are you doing?"

"I'm taking you home." He looked down and smiled at me. He started walking away, and my hand reached up to his hair. His pompadour had completely fallen out from the rain, leaving his hair wet and flat on his head. I giggled a bit at the sight.

"Your hair looks great."

"Wha- SHIT, MY HAIR!" I wrapped my arms around his neck as he began panicking. "NOO, WHY DID IT HAVE TO RAIN?!"

"Don't worry about your hair, you look beautiful this way." He shut up immediately, and I swear I could hear his heart beat inside his chest.


It was quiet for a while, a comfortable silence as he walked us home. I wasn't sure if we were going to his house or mine, but I didn't bother to ask.

"Hey, Josuke?"


"When I thought I was about to die, the last thing I thought about was you."

"Oh? Well wasn't that because you yelled my name and was hoping I'd save you?"

"Partly, but I had plenty of seconds after that. I could have thought of anything, anyone, and I thought of you. I just figured I should let you know that." He stopped walking, and I looked up to see a blushing Josuke look down on me.

"Y/N, I hope I get to marry you one day."

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