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Requested by: No one.

College au Kakyoin *slams table*


"What do you think? Should I do it?" My best friend, Julia, asked as we walked through the corridor. She usually came to me for advice, which I gladly gave her. Though, today was a bit different.

We were on our way to the same class we always had at this time, when I heard a low humming sound. Julia's voice and footsteps faded away as my mind focused more on the heavenly sounds someone made.

I stopped walking. Julia didn't take notice as she kept moving forward, disappearing from the corner of my eye as I searched for the source of the sound.

It came from a nearby classroom and as I got closer, it got louder. I stopped at the entrance to the room when I saw a man sitting alone. His hair was cherry-red and he was in the middle of painting something. He looked focused, even though his back was turned to me. The gentle strokes of the brush against the canvas mixed with the sweet sound of his humming got me in some type of trance. I was mesmerized by it to the point where I didn't even notice him turning around and looking at me.

"Oh? Hi there." He gave me a loving smile and a slight wave. I nearly jumped out of my skin when he spoke up, and the words got stuck in my throat.

"U-Uhm hi- you- It's- uhm-" I slowly walked inside with wobbly legs. Nothing about him was intimidating, so I hoped he wouldn't be mad. "I'm, uh, sorry for creeping up on you like that..."

"Nothing to worry about! The art studio is open for anyone, so don't feel bad."

"Really? I just heard you humming and was magnetically drawn here somehow."

"Oh, I was humming? Sorry, I hadn't noticed." He looked back to his canvas.

"Sorry for asking, but what are you painting?" I leaned over his shoulder a bit, getting a closer look. It seemed like he had only recently started painting it, since I could only make out colors and shapes.

"It's supposed to be a girl reading by a tree. I haven't finished it, so the colors haven't started to make sense yet." He added some brown to his brush and pressed it the canvas.

"I'm starting to see it now, actually. Who's the girl?"

"I've seen her a few times. You know the tree right outside the main building's entrance, right? She sits there every day at around 12pm. I've never seen her face, and I'm far to shy to talk to her." My mind was absolutely blown. I was the one reading by that tree every day. I was the girl he was painting. "I'm Kakyoin, by the way. What's your name, mysterious girl?"

"I'm Y/N." I giggled. I wouldn't say I'm mysterious, but I'm not the most extroverted person either.

"You aren't? You did just walk in here and start talking to me after all." He laughed a hearty laugh that made my heart skip a beat.

"Oh? But you're the one who spoke up. I was just observing."

"If observing is the new word for 'stalking', then you sure were." We both laughed at the sillyness for a second, before he asked something else. "You don't happen to know her, do you? The girl, I mean. She was reading 'To kill a mockingbird' by Harper Lee, my favorite."

I swallowed some saliva. Should I tell him it's me? Would he even believe me? Why shouldn't I? But won't he think I'm weird? What if he thinks I'm actually stalking him?!


"Oh, sorry, uhm... no, I don't. I don't know who you're talking about." I said as I accidentally tripped over my bag. I fell backwards, and Kakyoin flew up to catch me. The brush and the palette both flew in different directions as his hands placed themselves on my waist.

"Y/N! Are you okay?!" He exclaimed with his arm around my waist, and his face mere inches away from mine. My heart was beating so fast that I could barely breathe. I never thought a man as beautiful as him would look at me, nonetheless be in this position with me.

"F-Fine, yes." I stuttered as he smiled at me. Only then did he look to the side, seeing something that caught his attention. He helped me regain balance before picking up something that had fallen out of my bag.

A book, specifically a book called 'To kill a mockingbird'.

"Y/N, what's this?"

"...A book."

"Is it just a coincidence that it's the same one the girl by the tree was reading?"


"Mhm." He closed the distance between us, leaning close to my face as he held up the book. "Is there anything you're not telling me?"

Somehow, he was still not intimidating at all. In fact, I was excited to see what would happen next.

"Well... I'm not sure why I didn't tell you... But I'm the girl on the painting."


"Yeah, but I swear I didn't stalk you or anything! I just happened to see you here..."

"I'm the one who should be afraid to be seen as a stalker, I didn't mean to come off like a creep by painting you." He looked ashamed, but I tried to give him a reassuring smile.

"I don't think you need to worry about it. In fact, I thought it was cute."

"That's a relief, because you're sure prettier than I thought you'd be." I immediately looked down at my feet, feeling my cheeks become a flushed mess.

"Uhm, thank you... But, I should go." I grabbed my things and threw them into my bag, hurrying towards to door.

"Y/N, wait!" I turned around without thinking and saw Kakyoin with a wide smile on his face.

"Wanna grab a coffee later?" I smiled back at him, nodding my head.


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