
506 15 18

Requested by: No one.

TW: Strong mentions of sexual assualt

So for this one, I used a spin-the-wheel to choose a random character, and a random word generator for the title. I challenged myself by trying to come up with an idea using only a character and a title, so here we are! I'm quite happy with this one :)


I was nervous. More nervous than usual, actually. It's not like I hadn't done it before, but something about this particular time just made me feel uneasy. Perhaps, it was because I hadn't done it in so long? I mean, I knew it was a mission, but I couldn't help it. What if something went wrong?

I stepped onto the stage. I could barely believe I was singing again, at this very bar.

"Give it up for Ms. L/N!" The Boss announced. I hated him. I hated him so much it actually hurt. The rest of the team was somewhere in the crowd, but the spotlights blinded me so much I couldn't see them. I was hoping I could rely on that a bit, to see them and know they'd be there if I needed them.

The plan was simple, I'd serve as a distraction while they kept an eye out for the target. If anything happened, they'd jump right in to save me. Bucciarati knew I had worked here previously, so he was aware of my mixed feelings regarding this mission. What he didn't know was the amount of times the boss had used me for his own pleasures, against my will.

I stepped up to the microphone. I could see a few blurry faces at the front of the floor below the stage, but not much more than that. I'm sure I'd get laughed at if they saw me shaking from nervousness, so I tried to keep my head high. I took a breath, preparing to sing when I heard a tiny voice.

"Y/N." It called. Was I hearing things? Going insane? Maybe I had a devil on my shoulder attempting to throw me off my game? I tried acting normal, as if I hadn't heard anything, when it spoke again in a whisper. "Y/N, it's number Seven. Mista sent me."

The music had begun, and I couldn't respond, so I gave my ear a stroke with my finger. He seemed to have understood that I heard him, as he kept talking.

"He said you looked nervous, and told me to stay hidden near you." I couldn't stroke my ear again, as it'd seem weird with the repetitive behavior. Though, Number Seven wasn't dumb. He knew I heard him, and proceeded to hide in my hair. A part of me felt rather relieved that Mista was thinking of me with such care, I'd even say it calmed me down a bit when I couldn't see any of them.

The music continued, and it was time for my part to sing. I relaxed my shoulders and sang the lyrics as best I could, hoping it'd be over sooner rather than later. Eventually, I even got into it. While I hadn't realized it before, I actually did miss singing in front of a crowd like this. As the song sped up, the spotlights began to move, making circular shapes around my body. Luckily, this made me occasionally get a few glimpses of the gang in the left corner of the sitting area.

Abbacchio was casually sipping his wine, not really giving much thought to what was going on. Bucciarati and Giorno were scanning the area, checking for anything that looked suspicious. Fugo seemed to be yelling at Narancia about God knows what. But Mista...

Mista was looking at me.

Surely, I was used to being the center of attention. Almost everyone in this room was looking at me as I sang, and it was definitely a lot of people. Yet, knowing his gaze was stuck on me nearly made me lose focus.

As I finished the song, I got a round of applause before bowing and stepping of the stage. I took a last glance over at their table, where Mista was smiling at me proudly. I felt the blush appear on my cheeks as I looked back in front of me.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚JJBA one-shots˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt